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Haunted by a ghost repo


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One of my coworkers encountered a strange error when attempting to update a workspace. The error stated that a completely unrealated repository couldn't be found.

What had transpired was that my coworker had accidentally created a repository on the cloud named "xxxx xxxx" while attempting to access a repository named "xxxx-xxxx". The name was identical with only the '-' swapped for a space. Realizing his mistake, he then deleted the repository he had created. Then when working in another workspace connected to neither of these repositories, this error started popping up when Updating Workspace. Somehow, recreating repository "xxxx xxxx" got plastic to stop complaining.

This occurs on plastic vers.

It's a wierd bug with a wierd fix. I've attached the logs if you want to look into it.


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I can see the following error in the log: "The specified repository couldn't be found: Passpartout PC". The GUI is still querying the removed repo. I guess the workspace is not poin ting to this repo anymore, right? There should be any view or configuration trying to reach this removed repo. Not Xlinks?

If I properly understand, the issue is not happening at the moment.



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