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ActiveDirectory User Count


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I have my Plastic server setup to use ActiveDirectory authentication. Currently we have 6 developers with 1 administrator. How does Plastic count the actual users in terms of licensing? I'm getting an error saying the maximum number of users has been exceeded for my license, but I think it may be related to how I have it setup. Is there a quick test to tell me how many users Plastic thinks I have?

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Strange update to this. I went ahead and changed the permissions on the plastic server because it was the right thing to do anyway. Now I have two ActiveDirectory groups: SourceControlUsers and SourceControlAdmins. The SourceControlAdmins group is the repository server owner, and the permissions are set on the server such that only SourceControlAdmins can change permissions or change ownership, but SourceControlUsers can do anything else. This is then inherited by every repository below, which is perfect.

Prior to this it was setup using the default "ALL USERS" group with full access to everything. Obviously, this isn't what we wanted since our AD environment is for more than just developers. That's why we needed to changed.

What pushed the change happening today was the need for a third party contractor to have access to source control for one specific product. I first went in to every repository and added the contractor's account and denied him access to everything. I then tried to create a repository for him to use and got the number-of-user's-exceeded error.

That's what made me just throw up my hands, and get down to setting it up the right way. After I finished the setup I described above I went back in and removed him as a user to each repository since he wasn't a part of the two ActiveDirectory groups. Then I went in and tried to create his repository and I still got the same error.

Then I went to a different machine, and with a different user (a user in the SourceControlUsers group) I was able to create the repository without any issues.

So I don't really have a problem, I'm still able to do what I need to do, but just some strange happenings going on. Any clue why I might be seeing what I'm seeing?

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You can use the "cm licenseinfo" command to retrieve a list of active / inactive users.

Note that the license count is related to the repository server, not to each repository stored on the repository server.

If you have reached the maximum number of users, the next user that logs in into the system will be able to perform read-only operations,

but if that user tries to perform a write operation to the repository server (such as creating a new repository), the system throws the error you are reporting.

You can also deactivate users through the "cm du" command, but the user that executes the command has to be the repository server administrator.

Hope it helps!

-Jesús M.

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Hi Jesús!

I don't understand one thing: In my company, I use the company license file over my plastic installation, but, at home, I use my personal license (It's only me using it...).

Sometimes I work from home and i noticed something strange here. In my plastic's home installation the users of my company are showing on my licensing.

Is it correct?

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