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Posts posted by calbzam

  1. Hi,


    Normally the workspaces are handled per user. But if you copy the "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plasitc4\plastic.workspaces" file the client binaries folder "C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client", this configuration will be read by all the machine users.

    This could be a possible worakround.



  2. Hi,

    Normally the workspaces are handled per user. But if you copy the "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plasitc4\plastic.workspaces" file the client binaries folder "C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client", this configuration will be read by all the machine users.

    Anyway, the idea of every user having their own workspace is that you can work in your changes isolated from the rest of the team and you submit your changes when you think are ready. It sounds a bit strange that both of them are using the same local working copy to peform the changes in the project.



  3. Hi,

    Checking the stack trace, we are guessing if you are running a merge involving a deleted changeset. Does it make sense?

    We are going to protect this scenario in the new Plastic X GUI. But if you undo the changes or use the legacy GUI, the crashes shouldn't happen again.

    Sorry for the inconveniences,


  4. Hi,

    The Plastic workspaces are linked to the Plastic client. if you have different Plastic SCM clients/machines, I'm afraid you cannot share the same local workspace.

    If you use Gluon (or "cloaked.conf" in the Plastic GUI), you can configure the files be downloaded in your local workspaces. I mean it's not mandatory for a user to download all the files from the repositories but just the files you need: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/gluon/plastic-scm-version-control-gluon-guide



  5. I'm guessing if you cloud uninstall the package manager and then manually install it inside the project and not to checkin these changes.
    The problem with this is the package version upgrade won't be automatic (we may be able to generate the .unitypackage for you).
    Another option could be the opposite: the Linux users to uninstall the package from the package manager but don't checkin these changes.
  6. Hi,

    Let's clarify first what is your jey problem. I guess is the error you are showing in the sync view, right? I don't any of the errors you are showing from the log are related to it.

    Actually the problem is the replica operation so we should check the server logs (C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\plastic.debug.log.txt).

    I'm guessing if something is wrong with your local repo database. if you create a new clean local repo to pull from the cloud repo, does the issue persists?




  7. Hi,

    I'm afraid we don't have official support so I'm pretty sure this is not going to work by default.

    As far as I can see, JetBrains Space is a cloud platform that supports hosting git repos. So not sure even we can could support it just on our side. Not sure if they allow to host some other repositories.



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