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Posts posted by calbzam

  1. Hi,

    Could you mention the ticket number you opened so we can match it? 

    What is the Plastic SCM version you are using? We have mad a few improvements during the last month to better support checkin/update from slow networks and chaning these parameters shouldn't be necessary.

    TransactionTimeout: this is a server side setting (the default value is 120 seconds). I would like to get more conext to understand why you are chaning this or how it can help to your issue.

    The best approach to debug these issues is review the logs and based on that decide if we edit any of these parameters.





  2. Hi,

    This is a quite old feature. Checking with the dev team, the principal reason was to be able to use the USN journal, it was necessary some admin permissions. When you installed it as a service, you could use it from a Plastic SCM client that is run with regular user permissions.
    But I don't know if this limitation is apply to the lastest Windows versions.



    • Like 1
  3. Hi @juanitogan, you mention different issues in this thread. If you open a  ticket at support@plasticscm.com, we will be happy to arrange a meeting to with to fully understand all your problems (the issue manually matching the moves, the problems you are facing after switching from Collab and this issue where some files keep appearing as changed, crashes...). 

  4. Hi,

    I'm afraid I'm not fully understanding your scenario. In Plastic, you will be merging branches but not individual folders. If during the merge, there is any file or folder conflict you manually resolve this conflict or use paremeters in the "cm merge" command to automatize the conflict resolution.

    I made an example for the evil-twin conflcit but you can automatize the merge resolution for any kind of conflcit.

    This is still not enough and you need to use "--machinereadable"? This is an internal parameter normally only used by plugins. I can try to collect the information of the fields.



  5. Hi,

    Sorry for the delay.

    This is a log4net error, the library we are using to create the server log. 

    log4net:ERROR Could not create Appender [DebugAppender] of type [Codice.LogWrapper.BackgroundForwardingAppender, logwrapper]. Reported error follows.
    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'logwrapper, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified.
    File name: 'logwrapper, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

    Could you attach your log configuration file "loader.log.conf?"

    Are you using Windows? What is your Plastic SCM server version?

    Anyway you need to run "plasticd umtool". Does the same error appear when running this command?



    • Like 1
  6. Hi,

    If you want to automatizew all the directory conflicts:

    cm merge br:/MyBranch --automaticresolution=all-src --merge

    If you just want to automatize the evil-twin resolution:

    cm merge br:/MyBranch --automaticresolution=eviltwin-src --merge



  7. Hi,

    I remember in the past some scenarios where Plastic was creating branches with suffixes if they already existed
    eg: branch-0

    It is related to Xlinks and expansion rules.
    if you create a new branch and you checkin some changes belonging to the Xlinked content, Plastic will try to automatically create the branch in the Xlinked repo.
    If this branch name already exists, it will be created with a suffix:




    • Like 1
  8. Hi,

    Can you give us some more feedback of what you are trying to do? The "--machinereadable" is a flag that is primarely used for plugins.

    Are you trying to automate all the possible merge conflicts to avoid the manual interation?



  9. Hi,

     --nointeractiveresolution (Mainly used by plugins. See Remarks for more info.)
                                  Avoids prompting the user for manual conflict.
                                  This way, a directory conflict won't be solved.

    This is a bit internal flag that is maily used by our plugins.

    I don't think this flag should be related to this branch creation.

    Are you using Xlinks in your repo?



  10. Hi,

    It seems there is a problem unresgistering the Shell extension. Can you use "unintsaller.exe" to install Plastic and then reinstall the last Plastic version to check if it helps?

    Regarding the Shell Extension, let's try to manually unregister it, the Installer should be able to do it automatically, I'm wondering why it's not doing it.

    As I'm not sure which shell extension type you might be having I'm going to write here both of them:
    .NET4 (64bits)
    "c:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\tools\RegisterExtensionDotNet40_x64.exe" -u "c:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\shellextension.dll"

    .NET2 (64bits)
    "c:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\tools\RegisterExtensionDotNet20_x64.exe" -u "c:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\shellextension.dll"

    You will need to manually restart the "explorer.exe" process, or restart the PC, and finally retry the installation.

    Please let us know if it helps.



  11. Hi,

    - The problem is Plastic doesn't allow to sync a repo if it was more than one head. The ideal solution is to delete the duplicated changesets from the last one to the beggining (because it's not possible to delete a changeset if it's the parent of some other changeset).

    - You could potentiall merge the duplicated heads in each branch (instead of deleting them) but I'm not sure if it's actually duable assuming there are tons of branches with the duplicated history in the repo.



  12. Hi,

    I would crate a new Plastic repo from scratch and re-sync from the git one to re-generate the data. At this point, I can see the current Plastic repo is broken (with duplicated history). It's not easy to manually fix as you cannot delete a changeset of it's the parent of a different changeset.

    Not sure if you have backups for the Palstic repos. It may be also a solution.



  13. Hi,

    Do you have some network/firewall limitations, that could prevent you from connecting to the Plastic Cloud server?

    - If you remove/rename the following folder, you should be able to re-configure the Plastic SCM Client from scratch:


    -  If you try to list the cloud repos via CLI, are you getting something like the following?

    C:\Users\albaz>cm lrep KEI_Studios@cloud
    Enter credentials to connect to server [KEI_Studios@cloud]



  14. Quote

     but the webUI (which is used for most collaboration tools) was giving a 500 Error.

    If I properly understand, you were able to sync the repo with GitHub but you are still facing this problem accessing the repo in Bitbucket via webUI? Can you let me know the steps to reproduce it?

    At this point point. I'm not 100% sure if the bug is with the Bitbucket webUI or if we can somehow avoid creating this empty "tags" folder. Anyway, can you confirm, if creating a test tag is avoiding the issue?



  15. Hi,
    After checking with the product team, there should be some more improvements regarding this topic for Q3.
    Our product team is currently working on the designs of this feature so we can make it more user friendly than the current option (cm archive) and also we are considering to add more functionalities (eg: limit the number of file revisions in the database).
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