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Exclusive checkout in DVCS configuration


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I'm trying out Plastic with one of my friend for a Unity project and we would like to use a DVCS configuration because we are used to git and mercurial and we like branching. We also need exclusive check out because of binary game assets.


So far, I was able to install plastic client and server on my Windows machine pretty easily. I've created a repository, added some file, make a branch, etc. Everything is working well locally.


Now, I want to configure a remote "lock server", but the documentation is pretty sparse on how to do this. So far, I've installed plastic server on my VPS (Ubuntu), opened the correct port and configured my local server with a lock.conf :

rep:default lockserver:192.xxx.xxx.217:8087 requirehead

Now, if I checkout a unity file, I don't get any warning, but running cm listlocks doesn't print anything.


My question is, do I need to configure a repository on the "lock server"? If not, is something wrong with my config?



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So I've created a repository on my VPS along with a workspace pointing to that repository. I've sync my desktop repository with my VPS repository and update the VPS workspace. When I lock a file on my desktop, I can see the lock on my VPS with cm listlocks. That means that the locking mechanism is working. However, if I use listlocks on my desktop, it doesn't print anything. I suspect that the listlocks command is not fetching the list of locks from the remote lock server.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Subb!


sorry for the delay! let me explain you the needed setup:


UserA -> ServerA With lock.conf file having lockserver to itself (localhost:8087)

UserB -> ServerB With lock.conf file having lockserver to ServerA IP/Name


This way ServerA will work as the central node that will manage the locks. Server B will ask ServerA if the file X is exclusively checkeout or not.

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Hey again,


I gave it another shot today and now the exclusive checkout is working; checking out a file on one machine prevent the other from checking it out. Also, I've found out the listlocks can take a server address as parameters. For example :

cm listlocks 192.xxx.xxx.217:8087

Using this command on my desktop, I was able to correctly see the locks. However, this is a bit confusing. I think that listlocks should use the server configured in lock.conf when invoked without any parameter. Can I submit this has a bug/feature request?

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