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Exception thrown when Semantic Merge is invoked via Visual Studio TFS integration.

Gerard Murphy

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I'm using Visual Studio 2010 on a PC running Windows XP Professional 2002, Service Pack 3.


TFS is used as the version control package (not my choice, I hasten to add - this is at a client site).


I've downloaded a trial version of Semantic Merge and installed it without any problems in my user folder, as recommended.


I have followed the instructions for configuring TFS to use it for both comparison and merging - this was quite straightforward.


However, on attempting to carry out a diff or merge, I see a dialog caused by the following exception:-


System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension. Nothing else happens after that, although Visual Studio is still running.


If I run Semantic Merge explicitly via the Start Menu, it successfully launches the initial splash screen and landing screen; this time, if I try to run it on a specific folder (such as the example shipped with it), I see the same exception - but it does proceed to the actual diff or merging step as soon as I dismiss the exception dialog.


So to summarise, Semantic Merge in standalone mode works despite the exception being thrown, but the Visual Studio / TFS integration is broken by the same exception.


I'd like to try Semantic Merge and see if I can get some buy-in at the client site, but as it stands, this is a showstopper for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carlos,


Thanks for getting back to me.


I have .NET 4 Client Profile, .Net 4 Extended and .NET 4 Multi-Targeting Pack all installed, as well as .Net 3.0 SP 2, 3.5 SP2, .2.0 SP 2 and 1.1.


Trawling around Stack Overflow suggests that even with .NET 4 installed, there are still subtle differences in behaviour with WPF support on XP that can cause this problem - a common culprit being .PNG versus .JPG file support, although this is all rampant speculation on my part.:-)





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Gerard,


We are releasing today a new Semantic Merge version with some fixes to run on Win XP and Win Server 2008  operating systems. The thing is that we have upgraded the required .net framework to .net 4.5


From our release notes:



Bug fixed: SemanticMerge did not start properly in Windows XP or Windows 2008 server. An "Image format is unrecognized" was thrown.


New: the new Roslyn libraries are now used on Windows and Mac (Linux will join soon).
New: C# 5 support on Windows and Mac! The upgrade to the new Roslyn libraries includes support for the newer C# version. This closes one of the top UserVoice requests: http://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/196398-mergebegins/suggestions/4318628-c-5-support. It requires .Net 4.5 framework.
The .net 4.5 upgrade is mainly to support C# 5 using the new Roslyng libraries.
But I´m not sure if it´s possible to install .net 4.5 on Windows XP.  Do you have this information?
In case you can´t install .net 4.5 version, we will generate an independent release for you including the Win XP fix but not the .net 4.5 related changes (.net 4 would be needed)
Best regards,
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Hi Carlos - I think you are correct, we won't be able to to this on the client's XP boxes, .NET 4 is as high as we can go on XP.


Could you produce a version targeting .NET 4 with the image format fix? We can get by without the full C# 5 support at the client site.






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