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the merge is not currently available in the cloud server

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Hi OPjp, it also seems to me that PlasticSCM could make a better effort at explaining exactly how a workflow with the Plastic Cloud would work. I myself am evaluating the product at the moment and am always stumbling on bits and pieces of information like "The Cloud server can't process merges. It is meant to be used for push/pull and only do direct checkin using Gluon." (link: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/cloud/plastic-scm-version-control-cloud-guide.shtml#Currentlimitationsandremarks) but then no real detailed explanation what that means in my day-to-day-life.


Also first it says on the official plastic cloud documentation, under "Who is it for":

"You are a small team and don't want to handle any infrastructure. You're already running Plastic on your laptops but you don't want to install and administer your own Plastic server. However, you still need a central rendezvous point for the team. Plastic Cloud is for you."

-> it says "you don't want to install and administer your own Plastic server".


But then on the same site in the FAQ:

"Does Plastic Cloud require a local (on premise) Plastic SCM Server?

Short answer: No, if you use Plastic Gluon. Yes, if you are a developer using the regular Plastic SCM.
Let's go for the longer explanation now.
Programmers can achieve a better experience by using a distributed workflow with Plastic SCM. This means they're expected to push/pull their changes to/from Plastic Cloud, but not direct checkin or merge. Therefore, a local server is needed, whether it's central to the team, installed locally for each developer, or a mix of these combinations."
-> that seems to be for the very common situation where developers want to use plastic cloud, they need to run their own server?
Sorry, PlasticSCM but to me that seems like a fairly confused documentation. 


OPjp, when you say "Local server", do you mean to set up a separate local machine that runs the Plastic SCM Server software? or do you mean your local machine running the client? 


I am most interested in the scenario: personA works on a branch and merges it with main. At the same time, personB works on another branch and merges it with main on his machine. Without knowing it, they were both modifying a couple of files at the same time. They are now both pushing to Plastic Cloud. What happens?


Really confused here, would be great if someone could confirm whether this situation can be solved  by Plastic Cloud alone or whether it needs a separate server. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/8/2016 at 11:14 AM, OPjp said:

What's described here isn't really an ideal workflow. In case people stumble across this thread in the future, here's what I've found to work great: 


  • Instead of using the cloud server as the main server and pulling to a local server when you need to merge, just use the local server as the one you work in so you can merge freely with ease. 
  • Then, instead of doing replication>pull/push manually for each branch to sync with the cloud, like the guide suggests, set up a sync view and it's just a single button press to keep all branches synced. 


Maybe that's obvious to some people, but that doesn't seem to be what the advice and guides point new users towards. 

Doing this removes the checking out and locking feature of files.

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