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Getting an error while trying to merge branches


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I have been using Plastic SCM for a while now, and I for some reason I just started getting an error when I attempt to merge a release branch back to the main branch. Here is the dump from the log...

OnError catching exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at Codice.CM.Server.Merge.CommonAncestor.a(Hashtable A_0, Hashtable A_1, Hashtable A_2, Hashtable A_3, GraphNode A_4, ArrayList A_5, Int64& A_6)

at Codice.CM.Server.Merge.CommonAncestor.CrossParentsNodes(Hashtable parents, Hashtable visited, Hashtable parentsToSearch, Hashtable visitedToSearch, ArrayList levelLca, Int64& root)

at Codice.CM.Server.Merge.CommonAncestor.GetCommonAncestor(Int64 srcRevisionId, Int64 dstRevisionId)

at m.b(MergeCandidateInfo A_0)

at m.a(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, MergeCandidateInfo A_2)

at m.a(Int32 A_0, ArrayList A_1, IList A_2)

at g.a(MergeSource A_0, RevisionInfo A_1, IList A_2)

at Codice.CM.Server.ItemHandler.ClassifyMerges(MergeSource mergeSource, RevisionInfo ancestorRevInfo, MergeDestinationRevisionArray dstRevisions)

at Codice.CM.Server.SecuredItemHandler.ClassifyMerges(MergeSource source, RevisionInfo ancestorRevInfo, MergeDestinationRevisionArray dstRevisions)

at Codice.CM.Server.TransactionInterceptor.ClassifyMerges(MergeSource source, RevisionInfo ancestorRevInfo, MergeDestinationRevisionArray dstRevisions)

2012-02-22 12:34:45,122 9424 ERROR Codice.CM.Server.ExceptionTracerSink - Dumping in-transit exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at Codice.CM.Server.Merge.CommonAncestor.a(Hashtable A_0, Hashtable A_1, Hashtable A_2, Hashtable A_3, GraphNode A_4, ArrayList A_5, Int64& A_6)

at Codice.CM.Server.Merge.CommonAncestor.CrossParentsNodes(Hashtable parents, Hashtable visited, Hashtable parentsToSearch, Hashtable visitedToSearch, ArrayList levelLca, Int64& root)

at Codice.CM.Server.Merge.CommonAncestor.GetCommonAncestor(Int64 srcRevisionId, Int64 dstRevisionId)

at m.b(MergeCandidateInfo A_0)

at m.a(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, MergeCandidateInfo A_2)

at m.a(Int32 A_0, ArrayList A_1, IList A_2)

at g.a(MergeSource A_0, RevisionInfo A_1, IList A_2)

at Codice.CM.Server.ItemHandler.ClassifyMerges(MergeSource mergeSource, RevisionInfo ancestorRevInfo, MergeDestinationRevisionArray dstRevisions)

at Codice.CM.Server.SecuredItemHandler.ClassifyMerges(MergeSource source, RevisionInfo ancestorRevInfo, MergeDestinationRevisionArray dstRevisions)

at Codice.CM.Server.TransactionInterceptor.ClassifyMerges(MergeSource source, RevisionInfo ancestorRevInfo, MergeDestinationRevisionArray dstRevisions)

at Codice.CM.Server.TriggerInterceptor.ClassifyMerges(MergeSource mergeSource, RevisionInfo ancestorRevInfo, MergeDestinationRevisionArray dstRevisions)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)

Any ideas on how to fix?

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I've been having some weird troubles during merges too.

Specially when I had some conflicts to resolve.


I'm a refactor freak, so it's very common to me to add some files in a parent branch and while I'm working with child branches to move, delete, re-organize and etc...


Not only with merges, I've using the 4.2 labs (and previous versions too) and I noticed that the service wasn't starting automatically when I restart my machine (and it used to).

Yesterday I had a "Locked database file" error when performing a merge that I solved when I restarted the service. (As I'm using the 4.2 I migrated to SQLite database)

I'm very aware that I'm using an beta version, so I'm not angry or anything like it. But I never had those problems before.


Just to report :)

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Hi cidico the locked database issue is due to the SQLite database, 2 queries at the same time and SQLite gets confused.


Jesses, regarding your error, I would need to get connected with your to get more details, can you please tell me you time zone and when are you available? You can hit me at mlucio at codicesoftware dot com.

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We have identified the problem at the "merge-to" command.


The regular merge operation works as expected. It's an issue processing a certain move operation "on the fly"


It will fixed soon.


Thanks Jesses to help us with this issue, much appreciated.

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