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Everything posted by ryancassell

  1. Hi @tyler95, I'm sorry you're having issues pushing changes. Let's try resetting your login state to see if that resolves your issue. First, navigate to your plastic4 directory (under $HOME/.plastic4 on Linux/Mac systems or C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\plastic4 on Windows). In that directory, find your client.conf file and delete it. Then, re-open your Unity Project. The Plastic SCM window should now be reset to ask you to login. Login using your Unity ID credentials and select a Plastic Org to connect to. After that, the Plastic SCM window should tell you that you're logged in and that you need to create a new workspace. This is actually misleading. If you close and re-open the Plastic SCM window then it will connect sync with your Plastic Workspace again and should show you your Pending Changes tab as expected. From there, please try again to push your changes to see if that resolves your issue.
  2. Hi @LegedaryLiam23, I'm sorry you ran into this situation. in the Branch Explorer tab, have you tried adjusting the filter view at the top of the window to show changesets made longer than a week or a month ago to see if more changesets are listed? If that doesn't resolve your issue, then can you please open a Support Ticket with us?
  3. Hi @ccfoo242, great question! When a new Plastic SCM workspace is created via the Unity Plugin in the Editor, a default checkin is performed that pushes a common subset of Project Settings and Packages-related files/folders. This includes all the Project Settings that you see with a green check-mark. This was meant to help ensure that users didn't forget to include these files, as they were vital for sharing important settings across workspaces. However, this default checkin template was created a couple years ago, and Unity Projects have gotten more intricate over time. That's why there are new settings that aren't getting pushed along with the rest of the files in the default checkin. We just didn't know about them at the time and the default checking template hasn't been updated yet. What we could do is opt to just push everything in the Project Settings folder in that default checkin, but we don't have full control over what other Unity teams decide to put in this folder. The Plastic team would want to verify that this would be a safe option to go with before doing that. I'll certainly pass this feedback along to the dev team so that we can review it. For now, manually checking in these extra Project Settings is just a necessary step when getting started with a new URP project. I hope this helped to explain why some files are pushed by default while others aren't.
  4. Hi @Cottontail Studio, I'm sorry you're experiencing this issue. Could you tell me which version of the Unity Hub and Unity Editor that you're using? Are you able to open any other projects that don't have a Plastic workspace to see if the Unity Editor will let you sign in? Have you tried restarting your machine, signing into the Hub and then opening the project to see if that works?
  5. Thank you so much for sharing these assets. I put them into a 2020.3.30f1 Unity project built with the URP template project. The project was using Version Control v1.15.14 package. After doing that, I committed everything to a Plastic workspace, then re-opened the project. I checked the Pending Changes tab in the Plastic SCM window of the Editor but I didn't see any unexpected changes listed. (I made a couple sample changes in the default scene to verify that there were changes still being tracked). I closed and reopened the project and checked for any new changes, but nothing popped up there. I even made some new edits that did show up in the Pending Changes view, but still nothing around the animation assets. I then launched the Plastic SCM client from the Editor to open the workspace in the GUI and checked its Pending Changes tab, but it looked identical to the Pending Changes tab in the Editor. No unexpected changes in the .anim or other animation assets that you shared with me. Can you think of anything that I could be missing that might explain why I'm getting a different experience from you? Were you working in a different Editor version or with a different Version Control version of the package? You're correct that if you remove the Version Control package from your Unity project that it only removes the Plastic SCM window integration. The .plastic folder in the root of the project, where all your local workspace information is kept, is left alone so that it can continue working just fine with the external Plastic SCM client. I'm happy to hear that the freezing is happening less often, but please let me know if you notice it happening again.
  6. Hi @hwang, yes, it's possible to change your login method for Plastic SCM after already logging in before. You can use the command line (or Terminal on Mac) to rerun the Plastic SCM Client Configuration tool. On Windows, in the command prompt, type in "plastic --configure". On Mac/Linux, in the Terminal, type in "plasticgui --configure". From there, you can choose to login either with a Unity ID or with an Email and Password, then continue using Plastic SCM.
  7. Hi @gio_abelix, I'm sorry you're experiencing this issue. Are you working on a cloud, centralized workspace or on a local, distributed workspace where it's being hosted on a server that you set up? By any chance, were you pushing some of your commits to either the local or cloud version of your workspace by mistake, instead of the main one you've been using? That would explain why you have missing work from your repo, even though you've made commits in the past. You can verify this by going to your Workspace Switcher View and seeing if you have other instances of your repo set up. You may find the info in the below thread to be helpful.
  8. Hi @Gardenfiend Games, I'm sorry you've been experiencing this issue. Would you be willing to share a small project with me that has the prefab in question that reproduces the freeze for you? That would help to debug and diagnose the issue. If it doesn't reproduce with a smaller project, would you be comfortable with sharing access to your project with me so that I can try to repro the issue? I'd be willing to sign an NDA, if you'd prefer.
  9. No problem, happy to help! I tried to reproduce the issue you're seeing with Animation Clips and Animation Controller assets still showing up by creating brand new assets, checking them in, then closing and re-opening the Project, but didn't have any luck seeing the assets marked as Changed again unless I edited them. Would you be willing to share some of your Animation assets with me to see if I can reproduce the issue with them? Needing to close Unity, after it froze, using the Task Manager could help explain why those types of files were left over in your Project. Ideally, the Project shouldn't be freezing when trying to use Plastic inside Unity, even when switching back and forth between the Editor and Plastic client. Since you've been using the external Plastic client for checking in and pulling changes, could you try removing the Version Control package from your Project via the Package Manager to see if the freezing issue stops? If it does, then there's definitely a bug there with our package that needs to be addressed. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand the exact issues you've been having and I hope we can find a resolution for them.
  10. Hi Deniz, Thank you for the clarifications. 1) Regarding the FMOD banks being added to the ignore file, that would explain why Plastic would refuse to commit any changes for those assets, but it shouldn't be deleting them. Unignoring them is a good start and hopefully that prevents unintended changes from happening to them, but do let me know if you notice those files getting deleted on their own again. 2) That is bizarre and shouldn't be marked as different unless they're actually changed. We'll do some more testing on our end to see if we can reproduce this issue with Animation Clips and Sprites. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and let us know if you encounter this issue with any other assets. 3) Thanks for reviewing the steps for me. The "dst", for destination (along with the "src", for source) suffixes are used to indicate the local and remote versions of an asset that will create merge conflicts after pulling the latest changes. Duplicates of these assets are created locally, with src and dst suffixes added to the ends of them, so that they can be resolved before overwriting the local copy with the one picked by the user. Normally, these duplicates are cleaned up after a merge conflict is resolved, but for some reason one of them was left behind for this script. Very odd! Do you know if any merge conflicts were handled recently around this file, and whether anything potentially interrupted the merge conflict resolution process? For example, Unity (or any other app) closing unexpectedly, external changes made to a file with pending merge conflicts, etc.?
  11. I'm so, so sorry for the late response. (I didn't have email notifications in place for the forum to notify me of responses, so that's on me.) As for the PlasticSCM Merge tool not being selectable as a Revision Control Diff/Merge tool in the Unity Preferences, that is odd and should be updated. It's used by default for the Plastic SCM window, but it should be usable for anyone using other VCS that would like to use Plastic's merge tool to diff/merge their changes. Were you ever able to get a copy of the error message your teammate was receiving when they tried to resolve conflicts? Working on a cloud repo vs a local one shouldn't have any difference on how the merge tool is used. However, that could mean that you're working on difference workspaces that aren't synced with one another. Are you both able to sync your changes successfully? No problem, I understand the confusion and I'm glad I could help.
  12. Hi @Moon, I'm sorry you've been running into so many issues and I'd like to help, if I can. 1) If I understand correctly, the FMOD banks were unintentionally deleted on your Artist's side, then checked in. You pulled their changes and tried to undo the deletion by rebuilding the banks. However, the banks keep getting deleted automatically. Is that correct? Does this behavior keep happening when the Version Control package, in Unity's Package Manager, is removed from the Unity Project? 2) Have you tried right-clicking on any of the files in your Pending Changes tab, the ones that continually show as being changed (even after a checkin), and using the "Diff" option to see if any differences are found between your current one and the last one checked in? It's possible that Unity is making slight changes to those files when you re-build or play your project that are then being picked up by Plastic SCM. If no changes are being found, then that's a bug and they shouldn't be appearing in your list of changes. 3) Files are typically only shown as private in the Pending Changes tab if they were created outside of the Unity Editor. If they were created in the Unity Editor, then the Plastic SCM integration in the Version Control package would normally detect the new asset, add it to the Plastic workspace and mark it as Added. Then it would be ready to check in as a new asset. Had the script that was marked as private already been checked in before? Was it duplicated in the same folder, and were there any suffixes added to the duplicate script asset (like .p0)? You should be able to delete private files normally by right-clicking on them in the Pending Changes view and selecting Delete. You can also delete them using the Finder/Explorer. Once you return to your Unity Project, the deleted files/folders should be removed from the Pending Changes view.
  13. Hi Colin, thank you for your feedback! I understand your worry about the time wasted working on an asset that you had no way of knowing it was locked until you tried to check it in. The Version Control package team has plans to continue adding feature parity with Unity Collaborate, which Plastic SCM is replacing. One of the features that we don't have parity with yet are Softlocks (or In-Progress Notifications). I think Softlocks would help address the issues you are concerned most about by letting you know which assets (at least for scenes and prefabs) that a teammate has made changes to so that you can know which assets to avoid making changes to until they've checked in their changes. I can't make any commitment on when this feature will be added, but it is on our roadmap. As for what you and your team can do in the meantime, like you mentioned already, a branch-per-task workflow would help to mitigate the chances for unintended asset conflicts. Also, even with smaller teams, it can be helpful to sync before you all start working for the day/week so that you can decide on which code/scenes/etc everyone plans to work on or make changes to. While it can add more time to the overall checkin process for changes, the benefit is that you're more in control of when or if merge conflicts happen. I hope that these tips help and don't hesitate to reach out with more feedback like this. I'll be sure to pass this feedback along to the dev team.
  14. Hi @KnightFire, I think that https://blog.unity.com/games/upgrading-from-collaborate-to-unity-plastic-scm will provide a good starting point for a lot of your questions. In that guide you can learn how to invite team members, how they can get started working on the same project, how to setup integrations, and much more! I hope that helps and good luck on your game!
  15. Thank you, I'll share these logs with the team and reply as soon as I have an update.
  16. Hi @Larsson24, I'm sorry that you've been having errors trying to use the Plastic SCM Unity plugin. Could you share your debug logs so that the team can diagnose the cause of the error you're seeing? You can find your logs folder in your "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\plastic4\" path.
  17. Hi @CaseyDeCoder, the Plastic merge tool should be used by default every time that you choose to diff a change or resolve a merge conflict from within the Plastic SCM window. (There currently isn't a way to use a different merge tool to diff/resolve merge conflicts within the Plastic SCM window). As for the difference between UnityYAMLMerge and Plastic SCM Merge, UnityYAMLMerge (aka Smart Merge) is a merge tool created by Unity to help resolve merge conflicts within Scene and Prefab assets (which are written in YAML). Whereas the Plastic SCM Merge tool is a more versatile merge tool that was created by Plastic SCM to help resolve all kinds of text-based merge conflicts.
  18. Hi @sqmath, sorry for the delayed response and that you're experiencing this issue. It's very bizarre that anything from your Library folder would try to be committed through Plastic, since the default ignore file we generate ignores the entire Library folder. You can confirm this by going into your project's root folder (where the Assets, Packages, Library etc. folders are located) and opening the ignore.conf file to confirm that "Library" is listed as an ignore rule. I assume that the 2D Animation package is required by your project if you're trying to push it. Could you tell me your Unity Editor version, Version Control package version (you can confirm this from the Package Manager window), and which OS you're working on? I'd like to try to reproduce this error on my end.
  19. Hi @ziggy87, I'm sorry that you're experiencing the same issue. In the Unity Package Manager, could you also let me know which version of the Version Control package you're currently using? Just to recap the issue, in the Inspector, some of your prefabs are losing their references after a checkin, correct? And if you open the prefab to edit it, the correct references appear and can be saved if a minor change is made, then undone later?
  20. Hi @Koen, I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with the indentation in your Project Browser. I'd like to confirm that the Plastic SCM integration is the cause of the issue. Thank you for providing which Unity and Plastic SCM client versions you're using. Could you also tell me which version of the Version Control package you're using? (You can check in the Package Manager under the Window menu). You should see 1.5.7. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on Mac. Could you also tell me the OS of the machine you're seeing this issue on? Does anyone else on your team see this indentation issue on their machines? I'd also like to mention that Unity 2021.1 is not being actively updated by Unity. It's possible that this could be an issue with the Project Browser that was resolved in a later version. If you're able to, could you check against the latest version of 2021.2 to see if you're still experiencing this bug?
  21. Hi @Pascal, I wanted to let you know that a fix for this issue will be released in the next public release of the Version Control package (1.15.11+). The Version Control package's dependency with Unity's Newtonsoft package has been deprecated so that other versions can be used. Let us know if you encounter any issues and thanks again for bringing this issue to our attention.
  22. Hi Pascal, Sorry for the late response. Had some catching up to do after the holiday break. But thanks to your .unitypackage, I can reproduce this issue on my machine. We've opened a bug and will aim to resolve this as soon as we can. Thank you again so much for your patience.
  23. Of course, and thanks again for being so patient with me. I understand how frustrating it is to have your development blocked by your tools and want to fix this as quickly as possible. I've reached out to the devs and they asked if you could double check if the conflict errors with the DLL are still present when the Version Control package is uninstalled. (You can do that by using the Remove button under Version Control in the Package Manager.) I keep trying to reproduce this on my own machine, but I am just an utter failure with this library. I tried building the Twitch library with VS and pasted the built TwitchLib.Unity.dll into the Plugins folder of my test project, but instead of the Newtonsoft conflicts, I'm getting this error: Do you think you could send me a zipped Unity project with the Twitch library that reproduces the bug? That'll go a long way in finding a fix for this issue. Sorry again for asking you to do so much when you're struggling to get this to work. In the meantime, if uninstalling the Version Control package does remove the errors and allows you to continue working, then you should still be able to use the Plastic SCM or Gluon clients outside of the Editor for pushing your changes and syncing with your team.
  24. Hi @KjartanK, thanks for your question. I've responded to your question in https://forum.unity.com/threads/version-control-package-api.1201906/.
  25. Correct, that's the version of the Editor I was testing this bug with, which was why I was having trouble understanding where you were seeing the dependencies mentioned. It looks like later versions of Unity's Package Manager try to hide the dependent packages that aren't explicitly asked for by the user, but are needed by another package, to help declutter the UI. That's why the Newtonsoft package is missing in the Package Manager but is still located in the Library/PackageCache. Sadly, my suggestion of removing Unity's Newtonsoft package won't work because the removed package will just be put right back by Unity as soon as it recompiles. That means that the only workaround options are either to make do with Unity's version of Newtonsoft, update the Unity Newtonsoft package, or uninstall the Version Control package. The Newtonsoft package is not handled by the Version Control package team, but I can ask them to reach out to who is to see if we can request to have it be updated. Can the Newtonsoft DLL that the Twitch library uses be easily removed from that library so that the Twitch components can be used with a version of the DLL in Unity instead? I didn't see the Newtonsoft DLL in the TwitchLib source code that I tried to build using Visual Studio (unless I'm blind), so I'm not sure if it's already embedded somewhere in the code somewhere or if it pulls the dependent DLL from elsewhere.
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