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Everything posted by calbzam

  1. Hi, Are you using an external disk? Does the issue happen when you create a workspace on C:\ Regards, Carlos.
  2. Hi @cloudwalker For now I'm afraid this is the only feature to reduce the size of the cloud repos: https://www.plasticscm.com/download/releasenotes/ All platforms - Cloud: Archiving revisions is now available in Cloud! You can reduce the size (and the costs :)) of your cloud repositories by archiving revisions to an external storage. Regards, Carlos.
  3. You need to select LDAP working mode if you are using a cloud server with "plasticscm-client-core". The package that is ready to use a cloud server is "plasticscm-cloud-edition". regards, Carlos.
  4. Hi, You need to set your user as the server owner. Plastic GUI --> Repositories list --> right-click a repo --> Repository server permissions --> Owner. Once you are the server owner, in the Plastic GUI --> Repositories list, you will be able to undelete the repos. Regards, Carlos.
  5. Hi Arne, In that case, please configure your user to use LDAP working mode (type of the server: Active Directory). This way, you will use your Active Directory for authentication for you will be able to enter the AD credentials. Regards, Carlos.
  6. Hi,"The files have too many differences, there aren't enough resources to complete the operation" message, it means that you have reached the limit of the maximum difference. The limit is 32k differences per operation. The file size shouldn´t be a problem.It needs more or less 1,5Gb memory. We decided to limit the max differences because after this limit the memory increases a lot (we have the algorithm optimized until these values). Is this the error message you are seeing? Regards, Carlos.
  7. Hi, To disable Git Sync you need to remove the Git Sync attribute. We also advise removing the GitSync local mappings folder from the client (as you did), as establishing the same sync after changeset deletion will cause Git Sync to fail. Any subsequent Git Sync will need to be created from scratch.C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\plastic4\sync\git\<guid>Did you remove the git-repo-sync attribute from the repo? Regards, Carlos.
  8. Hi, I think the problem is because this user only has the "User" permission in Collab. I think they need the "Manager" permission or above to enable/disable services. Regards, Carlos.
  9. Hi, Yes, archiving items should reduce the cloud storage. If it's not refreshed in 1-2 days, please open a ticket at support@plasticscm.com and we can further debug it. Regards, Carlos.
  10. Hi @Sean244, after disabling Collab, did you reopen Unity and clicked on the "Migrate" button? What are the steps you followed to migrate the worksapce after disabling Collab? Regards, Carlos.
  11. Hi, What are the distros where you are facing the installation problems? We don't have any known issue regarding the supported distros: https://www.plasticscm.com/plastic-for-linux Regards, Carlos.
  12. Hi, Could you open the Plastic GUI to better debug the issue? Do you have any path permission configure in the repo? It seems in order to update the workspace with the latest changes, a merge needs to be done but you don't have permissions to access to the paths involved in this merge. Regards, Carlos
  13. Could you check if you can invite the the users via www.plasticscm.com --> Cloud panel? Regards, Carlos.
  14. Hi, I'm afraid the custom server side triggers are not supported. You will need to use webtriggers. Best regards, Carlos.
  15. This will open the cloud dashboard. You can also open it in your user account www.plasticscm.com --> Cloud. What is your Source Control package and Unity versions? Regards, Carlos.
  16. Hi, Could you include some screenshots? Where are you trying to add your teammates? Are you adding them via your user account at www.plasticscm.com --> Cloud? Regards, Carlos.
  17. Hi, It seems a connection related issue. If the issue persists, could you attach the Plastic client logs? C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\logs Regards, Carlos.
  18. calbzam

    FMOD Plugin

    Hi, The FMOD integration was an internal addition, but it should work just fine. Please see attached the plugin compatible with version 1.07 and higher.You must store the two script files at:"\Users\<localuser>\AppData\Local\FMOD Studio\Scripts" Please let us know if it helps. Regards, Carlos. PlasticSCM.js PlasticSCM.sc.js
  19. Hi, In the last Plastic SCM plugin version, you can configure the plugin so you are not forced to checkout the assets before editing them. Regards, Carlos.
  20. Hi, We actually store our repository data on Google Cloud Platform. We perform nightly backups of the repository metadata and retain those for at least 7 days. The repository data itself is stored in Binary Large Object (BLOB) files on Google Cloud Storage persistent disks. According to Google's own documentation: The integrity and the error recovery from those copies are handled by Google automatically.In the event of a hardware or system failure in a GCP data center, there could be some downtime as the SLA of GCP that for our configuration is >= 99.9%. However, the integrity of the data, as noted above, is protected. 99.9% uptime translates to a maximum total downtime of fewer than 9 hours per year. Regards, Carlos.
  21. Hi, In the "CLI client path", you need to enter the pull path for the "cm" executable. Checking your screenshot, it seems this is missing. Regards, Carlos.
  22. Hi, We are working on adding new features to Plastic Cloud in 2022. Mergebots for the cloud should be available in the first hald of the year and later some other features will be considered. I'm afraid I don't have a more specific ETA for GitServer in the cloud. Regards, Carlos.
  23. Hi, What is your Plastic version? Could you upgrade to the las version? Regards, Carlos.
  24. Hi, In order to install in unattended mode, you will need to use the following parameters: PlasticSCM- --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none --disable-components ideintegrations,eclipse,mylyn,intellij12 --enable-components server Regards, Carlos.
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