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Everything posted by calbzam

  1. Hi, If you are using a Linux Plastic SCM server, you can use LDAP authentication mode (type of the server: Active Directory) but you can't use Active Directory authentication mode. Regards, Carlos.
  2. Hi, Are you getting any error when tryin to create the workspace in this panel? Could you open the Plastic GUi and check if it helps to create the workspace from there? Regards, Carlos.
  3. Hi, I'm afraid it's not in the initial roadmap for 2022 but I will share your feedback with the team. Regards, Carlos.
  4. Hi, I don't fully understand your request. You can migrate a repo from P4 to Plastic but it involves migrating the history of the repo. Regards, Carlos.
  5. Hi, The support for VS2022 should be available in the next public release. We are currently working on it. Regards, Carlos.
  6. Hi, If the subscription is disabled it means that all the reties alredy failed. I can see that yopu have 4 active cloud subscriptiopns and 4 cancelled subscriptions. Why so many? I can see that the reason for the last cancelled subscription is Your card has insufficient funds. You can re-enable the subscription paying the pending invoice from your user account at www.plasticscm.com --> Subscriptions. If the issue persists, you can reach us at support@codicesoftware.com Regards, Carlos.
  7. Hi, You can use the "cm switchtobranch --help" command. Regards, Carlos.
  8. Hi, If you have some files with changes that you don't want to checkin the changes, you can add them to the hidden changes list or even remove the files from version control. In a regular Plastic SCM branck per task workflow, you create the task branch before start performing changes on the files. The main difference betweek locally changed and cehked-out is if you have enabled locks, the second option with lock the item for you. Are you using the Unity plugin? It should ease the workflow with Unity projects. Regards, Carlos.
  9. Hi, You can create partial readonly Xlinks: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/xlinks/plastic-scm-version-control-xlinks-guide#CreatinganXlinkusingthecommandline Regards, Carlos.
  10. Hi Donald, A common scenario for this behavior is when you recreate the workspace without releasing the locks first. These locks may persist when you recreate the workspace (even if it's recreated on the same path). Regards, Carlos.
  11. Hi, How are the ignore rules lated to this paths? I can't find any .bin file in the item lists or an "aa" folder that needs to be ignored. What do you actually need to ignore? The whole "StreamingAssets" folder? https://www.plasticscm.com/book/#_pattern_files Regards, Carlos.
  12. Hi, I agree that this workflow can be a bit confussing. Let me share your feedback with the GUI team. Regards, Carlos.
  13. Hi, - The sync view option was proposed because I thought you had a parallel server with a repo containing the last changesets. - If you have a working copy in some client machine containing the last version of the project you want to recover, you can do the following: 1. Create a workspace pointing to the last current changeset of the branch. 2. Replace this workspace content with the last version of the project you have in this client machine. 3. Checkin the changes so a new changeset is crated including the last version of the project files. Regards, Carlos.
  14. Hi, What is your Plastic SCM version? This error was fixed a few weeks ago. You can see in the release notes here: Regards, Carlos.
  15. Hi, The easiest way, to sync the two repos so they are up to date is using the sync view in the Plastic GUI. Note that you can use any Plastic client that is able to connect to both servers. You are not forced to use the Plastic client installed in the server machine: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/gui/plastic-scm-version-control-gui-guide Please let us know if it helps. Regards, Carlos.
  16. Hi @Alexis, Could you let us know more details of your workflow? Are you follow a branch per task workflow? Why do you need to switch the branch if you have checked-out items? In this case, you will need to shelve/checkin the items before the switch. Even if you don't have chked-out items but just locally changed items, we need to be careful when switch to different branch because the following error could happen: https://plasticscmsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014970894-The-parent-revision-of-the-item-is-inconsistent-with-the-loaded-one-in-changeset-cs-xxx Regards, Carlos.
  17. Hi, Are you using Gluon? Could you attach an screenshot? Not sure if you can even share a test file so we can try to reproduce the issue. Regards, Carlos.
  18. Hi, It seems this item is locked. You can list the server locks via console: cm listlocks --help And then you can release a lock (if you are the server owner) with the following command: cm unlock --help Regards, Carlos.
  19. Hi, I'm afraid I can't understand the request. What do you mean by "overwrite on failed checkouts"? Could you attach an screenshot of the plugin option? Regards, Carlos.
  20. Hi, Our engineers are still working on a definitive fix for the problem. There had been partial issues during the last days. Hoepully we have good news soon. This is a very high priority issue for us. Sorry for the inconveniences. Regards, Carlos.
  21. Hi, You can right-click the changeset in the branch explorer --> Advanced --> Delete changeset. Regards, Carlos.
  22. The status page has been reporting the Plastic Cloud problems at least a few hours this morning but it's green again. Are you still facing the problem? Regards, Carlos.
  23. Hi, I'm afraid you can only delete a repository if it's the last changeset of the branch. It's in our roadmap to support somehow a way to trim the repos (reduce the size of the databases): Regards, Carlos.
  24. If a user belongs to multiple groups, the permissions are overlapped. If a user has denied permissions on any group, the deny prevails. Please check our security guide where we explain some real scenarios. If you still have some questions, please let us know: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/security/plastic-scm-version-control-security-guide Regards, Carlos.
  25. Hi, If you are following s distributed workflow you alse need to reploy the "cryptedservers.conf" and *.key in the following path: C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\ Anyway, the default workflow is entering the password in the textbox (not manually deplying the configuration files). Regards, Carlos.
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