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Everything posted by calbzam

  1. Hi, If you cloaked a controlled file, the folder should persist in your workspace but the new file revisions created in the branch shouldn't be downlaoded to your workspace when you update. Isn't it the behavior you are experiencing? Regards, Carlos.
  2. Hi, So it seems the WebAdmin is showing the information from the "plasticd.lic" even if you also have enabled a token, right? Regards, Carlos.
  3. You are right! Thanks for the update.
  4. Hi, The token always prevail over the license file. Could you run the "cm licenseinfo" command. it should always provide the right license information. Normally you should enable the token or deploy the license file but not both at the same time. Regards, Carlos.
  5. Hi, Seting the local server as the source is the way to go because it's the local server who can connect to the cloud server to push/pull branches (bot not in the opposite way). Regards, Carlos.
  6. Hi, Do you have some steps to reproduce the issue? According to the log,there are pending to commit changes in this workspace. Regards, Carlos.
  7. Hi, Are yopu renaming the branch? Regards, Carlos.
  8. Hi, After downloading the .NET Core Proxy server from www.plasticscm.com --> Downloads --> More installers --> Proxy server .NET Core bundle1) Copy the following files from the "config_samples" folder to the binaries folder: plasticcached.conf plasticcached.log.conf plasticcached.network.conf 2) In "plasticcached.log.conf " you set the output path for the output cache folder. In "plasticcached.network.con" you set the port.3. You can run the proxy in console mode via this command: C:\Users\albaz\Downloads\PlasticSCM-\server>plasticd.exe proxy plasticcached daemon up. 313 ms startup time. Data path: C:\tmp\cache 4. In order to install the proxy as a Windows service: sc.exe create plasticscmservernetcoreproxy binPath= "C:/PathTo/plasticd.exe proxy" The proxy server by default listens on the 8085 port: YOURSERVER:8085Could you rename the following file, restart the GUI and check if this way you can enable the proxy?C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\cloudedtion.tokenRegards,Carlos.
  9. Thanks for the update! Regards, Carlos.
  10. Hi, The proxy server doesn't require a license. Could give us more details about this error? Regards, Carlos.
  11. Hi, I guess you couldn't push the branch because a merge was needed but you should be able to pull the branch. Regards, Carlos.
  12. Hi David, This above command should perform the merge in your workspace but it shouldn't perform the checkin. Regards, Carlos.
  13. Hi, You need to pull the remote branch first, and then unity/merge the two heads of the branch Are you a paying customer? We can assist you to perform the merge if you reach us at support@codicesoftware.com. Regards, Carlos.
  14. Hi, Are you pushing to GitHub? Does the repo have big binary files? It seems the git destination server is abroting the operation and I've seen it in the past happening when the file size was bigger than the supported one. Not sure if you can try a different service like GitLab, Google Cloud... Regards, Carlos.
  15. Hi Marc, In the next 1-3 months we should be releasing the first version of our new multiplatform GUI and it should also include the dark theme. Sorry for the inconveneinces again, Carlos.
  16. Hi, Does this blog post help? https://blog.plasticscm.com/2012/03/binaries-preview-for-game-developers.html Regards, Carlos.
  17. Hi, I think you should be able to us the "cm merge sh:123 --nointeractiveresolution --merge" even if you are merging a shelve instead of a regular changeset. Regards, Carlos.
  18. Hi, Are you syncing from git to Plastic or viceversa? Could you attach the new log? Regards, Carlos.
  19. Hi, It seems to be a problem with the "LibGit2Sharp" library. Do you have access to a Windows machine to try to sun the GitSync from a Windows client? Regards, Carlos.
  20. Hi, I can see you are working for Aptiv. Could you send an email to todd.r.alden@aptiv.com regarding this topic? You can CC support@codiceaoftware.com. Regards, Carlos.
  21. Hi, If you are using GitSync, please attach the client logs to debug the error: /Users/xxx/.plastic/logs Regards, Carlos.
  22. Hi, In the Plastic GUI --> Preferences, you can create a "Connection Profile" to configure your client to reach a different Plastic server. This way, you can create Plastic workspaces pointing to repos belonging to multiple cloud organizations. Regards, Carlos.
  23. Could you share with us the specific command you are running? I guess you are replacing "--server=organization@cloud" by your organization name? Is this command failing for one user or for ebery user who tries it? Regards, Carlos.
  24. Hi, When opening the terminal, the user who runs the command is the same machine user as the one configured in the macplastic GUI? Other commands like listing repos "cm lrep" are properly working on this terminal? Regards, Carlos.
  25. Hi, I think the labels are not synced due to the different natura of the labels in P4 vs Plastic SCM. Regards, Carlos.
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