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Everything posted by calbzam

  1. You will need to create a new cloud organization for the external developers if you don't want to share the encryption key with them (and assuming you need to access both to their repos and also your repos). A Plastic client can only be configured with one encryption key per organization. Encryption can be disabled for the full organization but I guess this is not a valid solution. Regards, Carlos.
  2. Hi, I'm afraid the encryption key is set per organization. All the users will need to know the key. But you can easily restrict the access via permissions. This is the natural way to handle it: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/security/plastic-scm-version-control-security-guide Please let us know if it helps. Regards, Carlos.
  3. Hi, We are working a new multiplatform GUI. It should ease the development of a modern dark theme taht works both for Windows, macOS and Linux. Hopefully we have good new soon. I'm sharing your request with the product team. Regards, Carlos.
  4. Hi, In the following link we explain how you can map the Plastic users with the git emails when using GitSync: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/gitsync/plastic-scm-version-control-gitsync-guide#Mappinguseraccounts Regards, Carlos.
  5. Hi, We just released the auto-upgrade system . https://www.plasticscm.com/download/releasenotes/ Regards, Carlos.
  6. Hi, Please run the "cm unlock --help" to get the details and some examples. You will need to get first the guid of the items tom unlock via "cm listlocks --server=YourOrganziation@cloud" Regards, Carlos.
  7. Hi David, The mergebot runs a merge of the previously created shelve to apply it to the destination branch. Regards, Carlos.
  8. Hi, Please cehck the following link where they explain how to open the command prompt in Windows 10: https://www.howtogeek.com/235101/10-ways-to-open-the-command-prompt-in-windows-10/ Once you have a Windows prompt open, you can run the "cm unlock" commands. Regards, Carlos.
  9. Hi, I'm afraid this is not possible. You can only assign the permissions per repo or per branch but you will need to assign the permissions to specific a user/group. Regards, Carlos.
  10. Hi, Could you remove the user from the cloud organization and then re-invite it again and finally check if the login via the Plastic GUI works? Regards, Carlos.
  11. Hi, You can configure the "changecomment" permissions on the repo. This way, you can customize the users/groupd who are allowed to edit the changesets comments. Please let us know if it helps. Regards, Carlos.
  12. Hi, You could create your own "before-mkbranch" trigger to support this behavior: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/triggers/plastic-scm-version-control-triggers-guide#Createbranch I'm afraid this feature is not included by default. Regards, Carlos.
  13. Hi, Are you following the steps from the plugin documentation? https://plugins.jenkins.io/plasticscm-plugin/ Pipelines Please have in mind that running the cm command in a pipeline script won't automatically set the environment variables above! This command, as do all VCS commands, returns a dictionary that contains the environment values set as expected. To take advantage of that, you should do something like this: pipeline { agent any environment { PLASTICSCM_WORKSPACE_NAME = "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}_${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" PLASTICSCM_TARGET_SERVER = "" PLASTICSCM_TARGET_REPOSITORY = "default" } stages { stage('SCM Checkout') { steps { script { def plasticVars = cm( branch: "main", changelog: true, repository: env.PLASTICSCM_TARGET_REPOSITORY, server: env.PLASTICSCM_TARGET_SERVER, useUpdate: false ) plasticVars.each { key, value -> println("${key} = ${value}") } } } } } } In the code above, the plasticVars dictionary would only be available in the script block inside the 'SCM Checkout' stage. If you'd like access it across different scripts, steps or stages, you can define the variable in the global scope: def plasticVars pipeline { agent any environment { PLASTICSCM_WORKSPACE_NAME = "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}_${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" PLASTICSCM_TARGET_SERVER = "" PLASTICSCM_TARGET_REPOSITORY = "default" } stages { stage('SCM Checkout') { steps { script { plasticVars = cm( branch: "main", changelog: true, repository: env.PLASTICSCM_TARGET_REPOSITORY, server: env.PLASTICSCM_TARGET_SERVER, useUpdate: false ) } script { plasticVars.each { key, value -> println("${key} = ${value}") } } } } } } Regards, Carlos.
  14. Do you mean some Plastic labels are not exported to P4 or in the opposite way? I can check with the team but maybe they are not imported. Regards, Carlos.
  15. Hi, In order to set the encryption key, could you open the Plastic GUI --> "Sync with Cloud" view and try to replicate a branch from the cloud server to a local repo? It should ask you to enter the encryption key and it will be used later for any other operation like the "cm sync". Regards, Carlos.
  16. Hello Holden,1) We have recently released a new "p4sync multibranch" command that is also compatible with migrating one single branch and includes the last fixes. Could you try this command instead?eg: cm sync PlasticRepo p4multibranch P4SERVER:1666 --mainbranch=//Engine/main --branchesfolder=//Engine--user=carlos --pwd=MyPass -caseinsensitive --continueonp4error --tmpwkpath=c:\p4wks 2) Could you enable the "cm" log so we debug the issue if it happens again?https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/technical-articles/kb-enabling-logging-for-plastic-scm-part-i Regards, Carlos.
  17. Hi @Gabriel, Is the user registered at www.plasticscm.com with this Unity ID? If you are using a paying subscription, you can open a ticket to debug it. We may need to arrange a meeting. Regards, Carlos.
  18. Hi, Plastic has never delete private files (files noit uder source control) with the undo changes operation. I guess in the past you have properly configured a "ignore.conf" that was preventing this items to appear in the "Pending Changes" view. You can customize the ignore rules to avoid checkin by mistake the private files. Regards, Carlos.
  19. Hi Charles, we already have ticket dealing with this topic but anyway, let me share the information here as well:We have a triggers guide where we show all the environment variables available depending on the trigger type:https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/triggers/plastic-scm-version-control-triggers-guideFor instance, for the "before.checkin" trigger, the item path is available in the standard input of the trigger: Plastic also has the "cm fileinfo --help" command, that allows getting metadata information of the files: cm fileinfo --help Retrieves detailed information about the items in the workspace. Usage: cm fileinfo <item_path>[ ...] [--fields=<field_value>[,...]] [[--xml | -x [=<output_file>]] | [--format=<str_format>]] [--symlink] [--encoding=<name>] item_path Items to display. Use a whitespace to separate the items. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. Regards,Carlos.
  20. Hi, We have released the following task: [New] All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: Makefiles considered as txt files Before this change, we were considering Makefiles as binary files by default, and users had to manually add the following lines in filetypes.conf to consider them as text files: Makefile:txt makefile:txt Now they are considered as text by default Regards, Carlos.
  21. Hi, The Branch explorer offers different options to customize the branch explorer: create custom branch explorer, show only relevant changesets, use the relayout mode, using custom filters from the branches: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/gui/plastic-scm-version-control-gui-guide#TheExtendedOptionsPanel The date filter should help for this scenario in the "Branch explorer" view, right? Regards, Carlos.
  22. Hi, I'm afraid the issue is not still scheduled but I'm pushing it to be sheduled soon. It should be available during this summer. Sorry for the inconveniences, Carlos.
  23. Hi, The problem is once you have defined a git repo to sync (eg: via https) you cannot change it. The mappings are generated for a specific repo. One thing we could try is manually changing the destination repo in the C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\sync\git\35183a39-9975-46c2-9437-b510311e03ad\git.repository.conf Anyway, we need to be careful when manually editing the configuration files because it's not supposed to be manually changed. Probably the easiest solution is creating a clean new repo and syncing it with git from scratch using ssh. Regards, Carlos.
  24. Hi, I'm afraid the client side triggers are not currently supported for the cloud. We have a task that should be sheduled in the near future to support it. Sorry for the inconveniences, Carlos.
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