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Everything posted by calbzam

  1. Hi, - Do you have Xlinks in your Plastic project? - I can see in the video you were getting an empty "Incoming changes" view. The problem is a merge may be necessary inside the Xlink and the "Incoming Changes" view is not supposed to run merges. You will need to manually run the merge in the Xlinked repo and then you will be able to perform checkin from the parent repo. - You could temporarily disable the "Incoming Changes" view in your "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\client.conf" (restart the GUI) and check if it eases your workflow while performing changes directly inside the Xllinks. <EnableIncomingChanges>no</EnableIncomingChanges> Regards, Carlos.
  2. If you create a workspace and you can checkin the changes with no issue, it seems to be ok now Regards, Carlos.
  3. Hi, - If you are using Plastic Cloud edition, it should be deploying a "server.conf". I don't know why it's not there. Are you installing on Linux or Windows? What is your current version? - Copying the default "server.conf" it should also work to start the server using the default configuration. Regards, Carlos.
  4. Ok, let's do what the message says. Run "plasticd configure" to configure the local server. Regards, Carlos.
  5. Hi, Even if the server is not starting, we whould be able to see any error if you are trying to start the Windows serice. Could you open a root Windows console in the "server" folder and try to run the server in console mode? plasticd.exe --console Regards, Carlos.
  6. Hi, Could you attach the "plastic.debug.log.txt" from the "server" folder to review the error when trying to start your local server? Regards, Carlos.
  7. Hello, The thing is the update in Gluon is internally a different operation "cm partial update". And I'm afraid that we don't have yet triggers for the partial update. We should specify it in our documentation and eventually support triggers for the partial update operation. Sorry for the inconveniences, Carlos.
  8. Hi, If you try to run this command via CLI, are you also getting this error? cm lrep YourOrganiaztion@cloud Could you try to open the client configurator and enter "YourOrganiaztion@cloud" as the server value? There shouldn't be any port value in the client configuration when using the cloud. Regards, Carlos.
  9. Hi, If you want to delete history in a repo you need to delete the changesets. Deleting a file doesn't remove the previous version of the file from the repo history. Regards, Carlos.
  10. Hi, I'm afraid we don't have a custom plugin for Circle CI. You can also create your own custom web triggers when using the cloud. https://blog.plasticscm.com/2020/06/web-triggers-for-plastic-scm-cloud.html Regards, Carlos.
  11. Hello, When have custom plugins for Jenkins, TeamCity and Bamboo. What is your CI system? Regards, Carlos.
  12. Hi, I'm afraid I cannot see any update run in the log you are attaching. Is it the full log? Anyway, if we are already handling this issue via support ticket, let's continue the conversation in the ticket to avoid duplciating the conversation. Regards, Carlos.
  13. Hi, If you use the Unity plugin, Plastic will perform a controlled delete of the file so Plastic doesn't need to guess what happened. It's a delete. If you remove the file out of the Plastic conmtrol (eg: via Windows explorer), Plastic will be checking the disk to determine the changes so it won't be tracking the change as "delete + add" but potentially as "Changed". Regards, Carlos.
  14. Hi, In order to upgrade the Plastic version, you will need to go to "www.plasticscm.com --> Downloads" and download the last installer. You cannot upgrade directly from the Plastic GUI. Sorry for the inconveniences. Regards, Carlos.
  15. Hi, By default the git "master" branch is imported to the "main" Plastic branch. I'm guessing if the fact that you customized the main branch could make a difference when importing the branches but at the end of the day, all the commits should be imported to one branch or the other. We can review the Plastic client logs to check if any error happened. Did the operation finish without any error? On the other hand, Plastic doesn't support to push a branch with multiple heads. If after the sync with git, you want to push the Plastic branch to a different Plastic repo, you will need first to merge (unify) the heads. Can we have some access to the git repo to repeat the sync and evaluate the results? We can sign an NDA if necessary. You can reach us via private message. Regards, Carlos.
  16. Hi, Could you use the following command to set the woner of the server o your user and let us know if it helps? The server owner always have all the permissions and is able to reassign the permissions: eg: cm setowner -user=john repserver:MYSERVER:8087 cm setowner -user=john@email.com repserver:Organization@cloud Regards, Carlos.
  17. Hi, Are you the only user affected by this problem? We need to review the client logs. If you are using the "cm", please enable the "cm" log: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/technical-articles/kb-enabling-logging-for-plastic-scm-part-i If you use the Plastic GUI, the logs are enabled by default at "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\logs". Regards, Carlos.
  18. Hi, We appreciate a lot your feedback! Thanks, Carlos.
  19. Hi, Are you getting the same result as my output? You should be asked to etener your cloud credentials when you use "clconfigureclient": tester@ubuntu:/tmp$ clconfigureclient ####--- Client configuration wizard ---#### Configuring language. These are the available languages: 1. English 2. Spanish Choose a language (type a number): 1 ------------ Configure the Plastic SCM server address/port: Plastic SCM server address [localhost]: PlasticSCMSupport@cloud Detected working mode: LDAP ------------ Configuring LDAP connection... LDAP user: Regards, Carlos.
  20. HI, In the following link, we explain you to reset the server administrator via the webadmin. Please let us know if it helps: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/administration/plastic-scm-version-control-administrator-guide#Security Regards, Carlos.
  21. Hi, If I properly understand, Plastic is properly tracking what is happening (deleting a file + creating a new file on the same path with different content) but you would like to tweak this beavior so Plastic detects it as a "changed" instead of "add + delete"? How are you deleting the file? If you delete the file under Plastic control (eg: Plastic GUI), Plastic will always detect the change as a delete. Regards, Carlos.
  22. Hi, We explain the datils in the following guide: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/administration/plastic-scm-version-control-administrator-guide#Chapter8:Repositorystorageconfiguration Regards, Carlos.
  23. Hi, Yes, You need to enter "YourOrganization@cloud" as the server spec when configurting the client. No port is necessary. Please let us know if it helps. Regards, Carlos.
  24. Hi, Could you try GitSync (instead of fast-export/fast-import) to migrate your git repo to Plastic and check it helps? Regards, Carlos.
  25. Hi, I'm afraid the behavior is the same for cloud or local repos. Regards, Carlos.
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