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Everything posted by ollieblanks

  1. Unfortunately, this is currently a known issue with the new GUI. If you revert to the legacy GUI does the issue persist?
  2. Hi @baptiste, You are right, this does not work. I believe the problem here is that the API is missing a method for a "controlled delete". I will share this with the team and keep you updated.
  3. Hi @SweatyDev, glad to hear that you were able to restore your scene from a previous version. This sounds like it may have been more a problem with UnityYAMLMerge itself than with Plastic SCM specifically. Merging scenes has been an age old problem for Unity and it is advised to work on separate scenes if possible, this could be done by: Working on different scenes completely Working on different prefabs within the same scene Manually allowing only one user to work on a scene at one time (Or semi-automatically with an exclusive checkout workflow) Hope this helps.
  4. Hey @JackAlta, Apologies for the delay. Can you update to the latest version of the Plastic SCM client and confirm if the issue persists? Kind Regards,
  5. Hmmmm... interesting problem. Is the workspace you are using connected to your Cloud server in a centralised manner? If you are using a Sync view to work in a distributed workflow then the trigger would not fire.
  6. Please can you be more specific about your requirement? What is the end goal here?
  7. Sorry to hear you have experienced this behaviour. Please can you let me know the version of Plastic SCM that you are running (and OS version) so I can attempt reproduction?
  8. Checkout (on its own) just tells Plastic SCM that you plan to make changes to that file, and therefore any changes or moves made to that file are dealt with in a controlled manner.
  9. Hi, Unfortunately, we are aware of the issues with installing Plastic SCM on Ubuntu 22. Please watch this space, we intend to resolve this soon or at least provide a workaround. Kind Regards,
  10. You can customise your Diff and Merge tools for different file types via Preferences > Diff Tools (and Merge Tools) Hope this helps!
  11. @beefsweaterI believe the above users were affected by a trivial service outage. We do not have any reports of service outages when you reported this behaviour, but it is worth noting that this error message can also indicate an issue environmental to your workstation or network. E.g. Firewall or Antivirus restrictions. If you are still experiencing this behaviour, please log a support ticket with us and we will be happy to investigate.
  12. Apologies I should have been more specific with my suggestion. I was suggesting to run the command like this cm checkin --private, but of course this can't be used in your scenario with Gluon. I ran a quick test of the original scenario you reported and I suspect this may be a bug. Thank you for reporting it, I'll pass on my findings to the development team now.
  13. Hey @Marc S, Thanks for providing this great feedback! I couldn't agree more with this reasoning and have forwarded this suggestion onto the Product Management team.
  14. Can you check if UnityYAMLMerge.exe exists at that path? Hope this helps!
  15. Oh no! Does the issue persist if you checkin via the Plastic SCM client rather than the plugin within Unity? Can you run the below command in a Command Prompt window (replacing ORGANIZATION_NAME with your Organization name) and let me know the Upload/Download speeds that are reported? cm iostats ORGANIZATION_NAME@cloud --nettotalmb=128
  16. Hi @baptiste, To check in the deletion of a file removed locally, you first need to bring it under Plastic control by checking it out. Hope this helps!
  17. Unfortunately, this is why the documentation describes this variable PLASTIC_REVIEW_ASSIGNEE as "The user assigned to the code review, if any.", the scenario you mention doesn't have this variable populated, but for example, this can get populated at creation if the code review was created via the command line. Are you able to fill your requirement with the editreview trigger instead?
  18. Thank you for reporting this! I have just reproduced this and will be sharing it with the development team. Unfortunately, you may have to use Plastic in minimised mode until we can get it fixed.
  19. Hi @ImFro, sorry for the delay. Do you have any related entries in the Editor log, I suspect that there will be more information there? I would very much like the chance to troubleshoot and resolve this for you. Please can you log a support ticket, so we can get together and investigate?
  20. Hi, Apologies for the delay in response. It seems that if you do not have the Plastic SCM client installed on Mac, the Unity plugin defaults the diff and merge tools to use the Windows OS compatible ones. This is a bug that we have identified and will be fixing in a later version of the plugin. To manually resolve this yourself, in the Plastic SCM Preferences, please can you change the merge tool command line for the $text type to... "/usr/local/bin/macmergetool" -b="@basefile" -bn="@basesymbolic" -bh="@basehash" -s="@sourcefile" -sn="@sourcesymbolic" -d="@destinationfile" -dn="@destinationsymbolic" -t="@filetype" -i="@comparationmethod" -e="@fileencoding" -sh="@sourcehash" -dh="@destinationhash" -r="@output" -a -m="@mergetype" -re="@resultencoding" Also, please completely remove the entry for the $binary type, as Mac does not have a compatible alternative. (Please note: you may need to make a similar change in the Diff Tools options as well) UnitySmartMerge tries its best to merge scene (YAML text based) files but if it detects a conflict it cannot merge, it will fallback to the standard merge tool. Hope this helps!
  21. I'm sorry to say, it sounds like your workspace may have been corrupted due to the power cut. My suggestion would be to create a new workspace for your repository in the Plastic SCM client and copy across changes you have made in the current one. Hope this helps!
  22. Hi, Can you confirm whether the desired changeset is not shown due to the filters configured in your Branch Explorer? (For example the selected date range or only relevant is enabled)
  23. Glad to hear you have already resolved this, apologies for not getting to you sooner!
  24. So that we can look into your account and best advise, please can you log a support ticket regarding this problem?
  25. Please add the --private flag so that all private items detected in the workspace are also included. Hope this helps!
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