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Everything posted by ollieblanks

  1. Unfortunately, support for Ubuntu 22.04 was not as straightforward as we would have liked, but we are still working on it. @Mark Morris, can you share your workaround for other users in peril?
  2. Thanks for reporting this. That is an ugly error and definitely a bug. Does it persist if you create a new workspace? Please log a ticket with the support team so that we can best assist.
  3. Thanks for reporting this. Unfortunately, this is a known issue with the new GUI and we are working on a fix. As a workaround, please revert to the legacy GUI. Apologies for the inconvenience this causes.
  4. Thanks for reporting this. Unfortunately, this is a known issue with the new GUI and we are working on a fix. As a workaround, please revert to the legacy GUI. Apologies for the inconvenience this causes.
  5. This is very weird and also concerning. Please can you reach out to support so that we can troubleshoot this further?
  6. If you are using Plastic SCM Cloud, then unfortunately you do not have access to the server logs. The client logs can be found at %localappdata%\plastic4\logs. Hope this helps!
  7. A possible workaround to this is the following:- Shelve the pending changes.- Undo the changes in the workspace and update it to the head of the branch.- Apply the shelve and check-in the changes. Hope this helps!
  8. Sorry for the delayed response. Is there a reason that you are not using the GitSync feature? If you review the log files does it give any indication why it has failed?
  9. Sorry for the delayed response. There is a lot to unpack here. My first guess would be to look into your ignore.conf or cloaked.conf rules to see if there is anything untoward there. I would love to get connected with you to troubleshoot this further. If you haven't already, please get in contact with the support team so that we can arrange something.
  10. In my testing, I was able to put the cm.log.conf file here: /Applications/PlasticSCM.app/Contents/Applications/cm.app/Contents/MacOS/ Hope this helps!
  11. Every client installation comes with its own local server, but this local server can only be accessed by the local client, meaning you will not be able to add colleagues to this server. The Cloud thresholds do not apply to your local server. Hope this helps!
  12. A local repository and a sync view can be created in the new GUI. Meaning you can work in a distributed workflow. What exactly were you missing from the GUI?
  13. I'm happy to let you know that in the --private flag has been added to cm partial commands! Please see release notes here.
  14. This has now been fixed since
  15. Hi, What differences are there at a file level? Are there files missing? What have you configured to be ignored? Hope this helps!
  16. Hi, The Repo URL field should be in the format "CloudOrgName@cloud". Once you get past this step and you set up Build Targets in Cloud Build you will select which repository and branch that you will build from. The Username field should be the email address associated with your Plastic SCM account. The Password field should be your password associated with your Plastic SCM account. The Authentication Type should be set to LDAP. The Encryption Key is the client-side passphrase you configured when you first set up encryption. If you cannot remember this passphrase, you should be able to use the crypted content within your User/AppData/Local/Plastic4/***.key file The Encryption Method should be set to AES128. Hope this helps!
  17. hi @Everday, This thread was originally regarding the legacy Plastic SCM integration. If you are using the new Version Control package you can stop Plastic SCM from automatically checkout Unity Assets, this option can be found here: Hope this helps.
  18. Hi @AndyDB It's important to note that Unity Organizations and Plastic SCM Organizations are separate entities at this time. This means that just because you have been granted access to the Project via the Unity side this doesn't mean you are granted access via Plastic SCM. I see you have logged a support ticket, so I will continue to assist you there and circle back once we resolve it!
  19. I guess the size of your repository is what is causing your disk space to be used up. If you are using a distributed workflow, a centralised workflow may be better, because you only need to have a workspace pointing at your repository server and you do not need to have the entire repository replicated on your machine. Also, if you wish to pull only part of the repository, then Gluon may be a better UI for you. Hope this helps.
  20. To do this, you need to delete the file from the Plastic SCM Workspace Explorer, and then check-in the deletion. If you want to keep the file on your machine, then you can select "Do not delete items on disk". Hope this helps!
  21. Hi, Thank you for reaching out with this interesting scenario. Unfortunately, there is no way to transfer the lock of a file to another user, without that user's interaction. My suggestion would be to allow the interns to check in changes only to a specific branch on the project repository and once it has been reviewed it is then merged into a main branch that the developers also work on. This could in theory be very similar to following the branch-per-task workflow. This way, if a developer needs access to an early "un-reviewed" version of a model, then they could just merge from the artist's task-branch. Additionally, this would allow you to utilise the Code Review system for the Senior artist review process, which could also be tracked by the developers, giving higher level of visibility of the progress on a specific model. I hope I have understood your requirement here. Please let me know if this does not fit your need, and I will be happy to assist further.
  22. I believe this may have been caused by an outage on March 30th. If you are still experiencing this behaviour, please check if this issue occurs in the Plastic SCM client, double check your internet connection and any 3rd party software that may be affecting your access and if you are still having issues, please log a support ticket with us. Hope this helps.
  23. Hmmm... As long as you are on a supported version of Unity, this should not happen. Can you try closing the Editor and changing the Collab flag within ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset to 0?
  24. Hey @Marc S, Once you have removed the access to ALL USERS and have set up access rights to your repositories, then new users will not be able to view the data by default. What I meant by my last comment is that the initial permissions need to be set up first. (Sorry, after re-reading my previous comment, I can see it is unclear ) Hope that helps!
  25. It turns out that a "controlled delete" method does exist, it is just not documented. Can you please try the below?
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