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Everything posted by ollieblanks

  1. Hi Alan, Apologies for the delay in response on this thread. I am sure that you are not the only user to experience this, so thank you for sharing your account. I have brought up these points to the Product Management team. If you are planning to lose all Collaborate history and just wish to move your project to Plastic as is, you can do the following: Open the project and disable Collaborate via the Services Window Close Unity and make a new Plastic repository and workspace to house your project Do initial set up on your repository (E.g. you may want to use an ignore.conf file that is specific to Unity projects) Copy and paste your project into your new workspace Check in the content and continue working with the new workspace! If you have the Version Control package installed in Unity it is even easier! Open the project and disable Collaborate via the Services Window Open the Plastic SCM window in Unity and click on Create Workspace I hope this helps!
  2. Hi Alan, Firstly, thank you for providing such an in depth account of your experience. We are very grateful for feedback that has the intent of improving our software. As a Unity employee who started using Plastic SCM around 2 years ago, I can relate to a lot of what you have said. Regarding the layout, nomenclature and interface; I can assure you that this is something the team has been working very hard to improve on this year and is something we plan to improve on greatly in the coming months. We are currently working on feature parity between the OS's that we support with an overhaul to the GUI. I will be sure to pass on the feedback you have presented to our Product Management team. Regarding the public documentation and videos and steep learning curve; We have a dedicated team working on updating and improving the public information around Plastic SCM. One notable thing that this team is currently looking into is the onboarding of Unity users and making the migration from Collaborate as seamless as possible. Again, I will extract the feedback and share it with the docs team. P.s. I smiled at your microwave metaphor! Regarding the pricing; We have very recently made a change in this area and you should have been notified by email. Unfortunately, as Plastic SCM is a "pay for what you use" service, I see no easy way around having a payment method available on your account. If you have further ideas around this we would be happy to hear them. I think I have covered all points you have raised. If there is anything I have missed or you want to raise further concerns, please do and I will be happy to process it accordingly.
  3. I'm happy to tell you that a fix has now been deployed. Apologies again for the inconvenience!
  4. Thank you for the report! This appears to be a recent bug, that we are currently investigating. To workaround this: Close the Plastic SCM client Open CMD and type plastic --configure (macplastic --configure for Mac users, gtkplastic --configure for Linux users) Follow the instructions until you are authenticated Close the wizard with the X in the corner Open the Plastic SCM client as normal Apologies for the inconvenience and I hope this helps!
  5. Hi, Thanks for reaching out. The plugin has now been removed from the store and been replaced by the Version Control package, please see here for more details.
  6. Hi @Wolfram, Thanks for raising this topic. I have been unable to reproduce this behaviour please see my test results below... Without custom filetypes.conf - test.lmk was identified as binary - test.lmk was identified as binary With .lmk:txt in filetypes.conf - test.lmk was identified as txt - test.lmk was identified as txt It is concerning that you believe the filetypes.conf file is being ignored. Can you please check whether you have a plastic-global-config repository on your server and whether there is a filetypes.conf file present in it. If this is the case then this is the file that will be used. For more info, please see our Administrators guide. I hope this helps!
  7. Hi @Phasedragon, Thanks for reaching out. Ignoring these files is not a solution, .asset files are important files that you want to be controlled in your repository, otherwise when another developer downloads the project they would not have access to those files. I suspect these files are showing up in your Pending Changes view because they are automatically checked out by the legacy Plastic SCM integration within Unity. This integration has been superseded by the Version Control package and is no longer required. Please can you confirm whether this integration is enabled and disable it to see if this alleviates the issue. To do this... Within the Unity Editor, navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Version Control If the Mode option is set to Plastic SCM change it to its default value Visible Meta Files I hope this helps.
  8. Hi @Nefisto Thanks for reaching out. I think we could class this as a bug, that would be very nice to fix. Next time you are presented with this issue, so that we can investigate further, please can you log a support ticket via support@plasticscm.com and provide us with the .plastic folder within your workspace directory and the output of cm status --all?
  9. @Khaled, Dynamic workspaces with TeamCity is a fantastic idea. As this is still a very young feature, it is not available in the TeamCity integration yet. But I will be sure to raise this with the team. @phvalve, there is already a status column in the Workspace Explorer in the Plastic SCM client that shows whether a file is controlled, ignored, contains changes, etc. The only caveat there is it does not show whether a file is locked by another user. (Only Gluon does this currently) I agree that as this feature progresses showing the "dynamic" status of files to the user. This again is great feedback and I will raise it with the team.
  10. Hi Mikael, Unfortunately this is a limitation of how we are mounting the workspace. Since, you are now able to workaround this by creating the workspace with a network path e.g. \\workspaces\MyWorkspace. Using this method uses the Windows Mount Manager and therefore works seamlessly with software like Total Commander. Hope this helps!
  11. Hi, Thanks for reaching out to us. You have recently logged a support ticket that suggests that you have not been added to the Plastic Cloud organization. At the moment Unity Organizations are separate entities to Plastic Cloud Organizations and I believe that is where the confusion has come from. Please have a member of the Plastic Cloud Organization add your account at https://www.plasticscm.com/dashboard/cloud and then you should be able to access the repositories via the connection link. If you are still having issues, please do respond back via the support ticket you created and I will be happy to assist further.
  12. Hi @Ali, Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree with you that undeleting files within the Plastic SCM client is not as intuitive as it could be. I will make sure to address this feedback with the team. Gluon, our simplified client for artists, actually has a cool feature where you can easily undelete files. To use this, Open the Gluon client Create a new Gluon workspace or switch your workspace to a Gluon workspace by running an update Navigate to the Checkin Changes view and click the Undelete button Select the file(s) you wish to undelete and check in the changes Hope this information is helpful to you and improves your experience next time you need to resurrect files!
  13. Hi, Thank you for reporting this. This is currently the intended behaviour of the plugin and in some (if not most) workflows it is desirable. I do understand that this is not always the case. There is not currently a way to remove this behaviour from the plugin, but we are currently reviewing this workflow to make it as simple as possible for ALL workflows. Hope this information helps and please watch this space!
  14. Hi Aaron, Sorry to hear of your frustrating experience. When you click on the Unity ID authentication button, your default browser should have opened. If you are logged into a Unity ID account within that browser session, you will not be asked to enter any credentials and you will be automatically logged into that account. To make sure it uses the correct Unity ID account, please navigate to id.unity.com in your default browser and sign into your correct account. Once done, you can run plastic --configure from a terminal window and you can reauthenticate your Plastic SCM client. Hope that helps!
  15. To close the loop on this thread, Jason and I met and we found that Microsoft Teams was not accepting the payload graciously and causing all triggers to fail. Once we removed the offending trigger we were able to get others to execute properly. Thanks for your time troubleshooting Jason and good luck with the future!
  16. Hi @Jason Wen, I have just tested an after checkin trigger for Slack, Discord and Webhooks (using https://webhook.site/) created via the Plastic SCM Cloud Dashboard and they all worked seamlessly for me. For your Slack trigger, can you confirm that you have created a Slackbot with the correct permissions as mentioned in this post and that your Slackbot has been added to the channel where it is going to post? For your Webhook, can you please create a test trigger via the Cloud Dashboard using a webhook URK from https://webhook.site/ and let me know if you receive the payload?
  17. Hi @Khaled, Unfortunately, I don't think you can add two statuses to the Enable plastic branch filtering field, but you can use a cm find branch query as a filter. For example you enter the below into the field... where attribute='status' and attrvalue='resolved' and attribute='platform' and attrvalue='ios' Alternatively, if you have a naming convention on your branches you could do something like this... where attribute='stage' and attrvalue='done' and name like 'ios-%' For more information on the cm find query, please see here. Hope this helps!
  18. Hi @dharillo, I assume that you are using an on-premise server. Please let me know if my assumption is incorrect. The workflow you describe sounds like a perfectly valid one. I suspect that there is a very specific scenario which causes the Code Review to behave in this way. Is this fairly easily reproducible? If you update your server to the latest version does the issue persist?
  19. Hi @woondal, We added a fix for this issue back in But it seems that this behaviour you report with applied shelves was not addressed. I have reproduced this behaviour in our labs and will investigate further. Thank you for reporting it!
  20. Hi Jukkae, Thanks for reaching out. I hope you have a steady power source for that flux capacitor! We have recently discovered an issue with Jira integrations with Plastic Cloud (when using "linked to Changesets" mode), but it is not the same behaviour that you describe here. So that I can reproduce and debug the issue you are seeing, please can you let me know the version of Plastic SCM that you are using?
  21. Hi Mike, From the looks of the error message you have enabled encryption for your Cloud Organization and are trying to download the data without a valid encryption key present. I suspect your colleague either hasn't entered the encryption key yet or has entered it incorrectly. The easiest way to solve this would be to send your colleague the cryptedservers.conf and corresponding .key file from... C:\Users\ollie\AppData\Local\plastic4\ on Windows ~/.plastic/ on Mac ...and paste them into your colleague's corresponding folder. I hope that proves helpful. Please let me know how you get on and whether you have any further problems.
  22. Hey Anton, Thank you for sharing your experience with Plastic SCM. We are very grateful for all feedback as it helps us to identify things that we can improve. This would only be the case if you have enabled the legacy Plastic SCM integration. If this behaviour is not desired, you should disable the legacy integration by changing the mode back to its default value "Visible Meta Files". This integration has now been superseded by the new plugin. I urge you to give it a try as it has all the same features as the legacy integration and more! We are always on the lookout for ways to improve the Branch Explorer. If you have any specific ideas about how this could be improved they would be very welcome. If you need to see all comments at a glance (rather than clicking on each Changeset and viewing the properties for it), then the "Changesets" view may be a more suitable view for this use case... Regarding the branch names when zooming out, I see exactly what you mean with this feedback. I will discuss this further with the development team and suggest that a minimum size is implemented for the branch names. This is excellent feedback. It is the Plastic philosophy that history should not be deleted or changed, but we understand there are circumstances where it may be desired or beneficial. We are currently looking into options for allowing the trimming of old branches and content. I will be sure to bring up the points you have raised here as they are very valid points. I may be misunderstanding your request here, but I believe this can be done. If you want to check in only the content in one file, then you can select only that one file in the Pending Changes view and check it in. Another alternative would be to create a Gluon workspace for this repo, configure this repo to only download the content you need, make the two lines change and check it in. Please do let me know if these solutions do not meet this requirement and why, because I would really like to understand what we could do to improve in this area. A merge operation is an atomic transaction at the Changeset level (meaning it is "all or nothing" operation) for traceability and performance reasons. As far as I am aware Git handles merging in the same way. If this is not the case, please can you let me know how it can be done with Git? Plastic has support for Visual Studio and Rider. The Rider plugin causing slow down is a known issue we are currently investigating. Sorry to hear that you were experiencing this behaviour. Can I ask the reason for using fast-export rather than GitSync? As far as I am aware, the issues you report are not present there and it may have been a more suitable alternative for your use case.
  23. Hi matqin, Plastic SCM Cloud is a "pay for what you use" service and does not have a storage limit. The error message suggests that you are running out of space on your local machine. Can you please confirm that the hard drive where you are storing your workspaces/local repositories is not running out of space? Additionally, the 25GB for Cloud Storage you have purchased was for Unity Collaborate, and not for Plastic SCM Cloud storage. If this storage is surplus to your requirement, please reach out to collabsupport@unity3d.com and they should be able to refund this for you. Hope this helps!
  24. Hi David, You can return a guid of a changeset by setting it as an output option. E.g. cm find changeset --format="{guid}", but unfortunately the same cannot be done for branches. Hope that helps!
  25. Hi @iggy, GitSync can now be done in the Mac GUI by doing the following. Navigate to the Branch Explorer Right click on a branch and select Push/Pull > Sync with Git... Additional note: If you are using 2-factor authentication with GitHub, you will have to generate a personal access token and use that instead of your usual password. Hope this helps!
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