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Can't unlock files on Cloud


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I'm new to PlasticSCM and am setting up a new repository on the cloud service. I'm a developer using the PlasticSCM client proper, which is working fine... but when I set up Gluon for our artist, I'm getting weird errors. Several hundred files appear to be locked and checked out to the artist. The Check In option isn't available. And when we try Check Out, there's an error message saying "These items are exclusively checked out by [artist name]."


Is there anyway to reset the checkouts on these files?







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Hi Brian,


yes, first you need to be the repository server owner. Open a regular Plastic SCM client, repositories, right click in any of them and select "Repository server permissions" then change the owner to yourself.


Now from the command line you can use the "cm unlock" command in order to remove the pending locks.


Obviously there's an easier way to do it, from the machine having the locks open the Plastic SCM GUI and undo them all. The lock will be released.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...


Please understand this is not the regular workflow.

The way to abandon locks is:

  • You checkout 100 files (probably not a common thing to do, anyway).
  • Then you delete your workspace.
  • Then your locks are lost.

I would say, based on all our other customers, that abandoning a workspace with locks in it is not a common thing to do. Of course it can happen, and yes, of course we can have a better interface for handling that, but we consider this a rather corner case, otherwise we'd be running into it every single day, and fortunately we do not.


This is quite literally the worst source control product I've ever used.

We are here to try to make our customers happy. If you really think Plastic is the worse version control you ever used, then my recommendation is: "please stop using it". I prefer that you are happy using a competitor than unhappy using us.

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  • 1 year later...


If you are using an on-premises server, you may need to manually edit the locked items on the server side.

If you are using Plastic Cloud edition, I'm afraid you will need to manually run the "cm unlock" commands.

But If the user still has the items locked in their workspace, they can use "cm unco --help" to undo checkout on the items and this way release the locks ("Undo Changes" if you are using the Plastic GUI).



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- I agree that it's not very comfortable if you need to unlock tons of items via this command? But why do you need it? it's not very common. As a normal basis, undoiing the changes in the workspace will release the locks.

- I'm guessing if you could pipe the guid value from the outpout of "cm listlocks --help" to the "cm unlock --help".



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  • 8 months later...

Hey, Ran into this issue as well because I deleted the repo while having a bunch of files locked out. I managed to automate the unlocking process for hundreds of files with a batch script. 

First use "cm listlocks > out.txt" to save the output to a txt file. Open the txt file (I was using Rider to do this) and delete everything except for the hashes. on each line add cm lock unlock at the start of the line (so you end up with something like this:

cm lock unlock 7525e94c-2722-41b9-953f-a4011cffc932
cm lock unlock aa8e7596-0a5c-4242-b743-279dac99ab9e
cm lock unlock c60a72a1-80dc-4522-bf15-6fa40a0aeda7
cm lock unlock 4577883f-c479-4359-988e-82ca40fcf798
cm lock unlock f20db7f1-01cf-4dc9-8e9c-30ea944d2a2b

Save that file as "unlock.bat" or whatever name with the .bat extension. Open a cmd in the repo directory and press tab until you get the .bat file you just made, hit enter and watch it unlock all your files (albeit very slowly, it will do it automatically). 

Hope that helps anyone out there in lock hell!


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