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Everything posted by calbzam

  1. As an update, we were also commeting the issue via support ticket. I will share with the team the request regarding the support for GitSync via GUI in macplastic. Sorry for the inconveniences, Carlos.
  2. Hi, Since a long time ago, we have independent and native GUIs for every platform (Windows, macOS , Linux). And we tried to adapt the design and usability based on the style guides of every platform. If you are using macplastic, the vast majority of the features should be available (compared to the Windows GUI). What are the features do you miss? I will share it with the team. We are always improving the GUIs. Regards, Carlos.
  3. We appreciate if you include your request in the following link: https://plasticscm.uservoice.com Regards, Carlos.
  4. We can arrange a meeting to take a look. We were not reported a similar issue in the past so my guess is there could be something specific of your environment. You can reach us at support@codicesoftware.com. Regards, Carlos.
  5. Hi, After reading the EDIT in both messages, you are already up and running with the attributes and color changesets, right? Regards, Carlos.
  6. This issue could happen when: - The Plastic license actually doesn't support the Unity plugin.Any commertial license should have support for the plugin. - When the Unity plugin cannot reach the Plastic plugin for unity (it should never happen with a regular installation of Plastic SCM and Unity). We have seen it in the past when an antivirus was removing/blocking the plugin binary so they were not able to communicate. @Voodoo Detective, could you reach us to support@codicesoftware.com so we can review your Plastic SCM license? Regards, Carlos.
  7. Hi, If I properly understand you are up and running now? Otherwise, please attach the Plastic client log so we can degug it. Regards, Carlos.
  8. Hi, Is it possible that you are running the Plastic GUi with a different system user and for that reason, it's not using the previous configuration files? If you close the configuration panel (opened after the upgrade) and then re-open PlasticGUi with the same original user, does the issue persists? Regards, Carlos.
  9. Hi, There is a feature that not sure if you are aware: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/extensions/plastic-scm-version-control-task-and-issue-tracking-guide#Fieldmapping If I properly understand, supporting multiple branch prefix values would be also useful for you? eg: task_, fix_, new_ Regards, Carlos.
  10. Hi, If you don't have entered an encryption key, it should be enabled. The error should only show when a mismatching datetime is detected. Did you restart your machine or changed any local setting? Regards, Carlos.
  11. Hi, Do you have encryption enabled in your cloud organization? Is it possible that your local encryption key was removed and for that reason, you cannot diff old changesets? It is also possible that a coworker created the changeset you are trying to diff witha wrong encryption key. Are your coworkers affected by the same issue? You can reach us to suupport@codicesoftware.com and we could even arrange a GoToMeeting session. Regards, Carlos.
  12. Hi, - We need to be careful when manually editing the configuration files. It shouldn't be done as a general recommendation. If you are following the workaround explained in this thread it's important that you also move the workspace (including the ".plastic" folder) to the new location. If not moving the ".plastic" folder, you are not actually moving the workspace but creating a new one on a different location. - The proper way to move a workspace is via command (not manually). cm cwk --help But the user reported a problem with this command so we were trying to find a workaround. - Also when moving the workspace, review that all the views in the Plastic GUI from the original workspace are closed. - You can always create a new workspace in the new location (instead of moving it). If the files are already there, they won't be re-downloaded. Regards, Carlos.
  13. We are currently handling this issue via support ticket. We will also update this thread as soon as we have all the infomation. Regards, Carlos.
  14. Hi, So the problem is when you try to pull the cloud branch into your local repo (so then you can locally solve the conflicts). - Could you try to pull the branch from the cloud repo "Branch explorer" view --> right-click --> pull this branch? - Aren't you getting any specific error message? - Could you attach the local server debug log ("C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\plastic.debug.log.txt")? Regards, Carlos
  15. Hi, It refers to the Plastic server and port (not the JIRA server name). Regards, Carlos.
  16. Hi, I can see the following error message in the logs: Could you attach (or reach us to support@codicesoftware.com) your "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\issuetrackers" folder? It seems to be some errors in the API calls so my guess is that some configuration could be wrong. 2019-10-20 19:27:17,707 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan DEBUG jiraextension - Logging changeset 16 with 1 items in plain text 2019-10-20 19:27:17,775 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan ERROR jiraextensionrest - There was a problem performing GET https://outermarkergames.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/mypreferences?key=plastic.diffchangeset.url: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. 2019-10-20 19:27:17,775 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan DEBUG jiraextensionrest - StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Codice.Client.IssueTracker.Jira.JiraRestClient.TryRequest(String partialUri, String httpMethod, Object content, String& response) 2019-10-20 19:27:17,775 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan ERROR jiraextensionrest - Response from the server: {"errorMessages":["key not found: 'plastic.diffchangeset.url'"],"errors":{}} 2019-10-20 19:27:17,837 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan ERROR jiraextensionrest - There was a problem performing GET https://outermarkergames.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/mypreferences?key=plastic.formatdata: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. 2019-10-20 19:27:17,838 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan DEBUG jiraextensionrest - StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Codice.Client.IssueTracker.Jira.JiraRestClient.TryRequest(String partialUri, String httpMethod, Object content, String& response) 2019-10-20 19:27:17,838 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan ERROR jiraextensionrest - Response from the server: {"errorMessages":["key not found: 'plastic.formatdata'"],"errors":{}} 2019-10-20 19:27:17,838 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan DEBUG jiraextension - Updating values for issue 'GT-11' 2019-10-20 19:27:17,935 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan ERROR jiraextensionrest - There was a problem performing PUT https://outermarkergames.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/GT-11: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. 2019-10-20 19:27:17,936 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan DEBUG jiraextensionrest - StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Codice.Client.IssueTracker.Jira.JiraRestClient.TryRequest(String partialUri, String httpMethod, Object content, String& response) 2019-10-20 19:27:17,936 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan ERROR jiraextensionrest - Response from the server: {"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"customfield_10000":"Field 'customfield_10000' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."}} 2019-10-20 19:27:17,936 DESKTOP-B4HHFFL\jwvan DEBUG jiraextensionrest - Assuming 400 as Unauthorized. Regards, Carlos.
  17. Hi, You need to do it via configuration file. Please cehck the steps from the following link: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/extensions/plastic-scm-version-control-task-and-issue-tracking-guide#JIRA-Configuration Regards, Carlos.
  18. Hi, We release new versions every day and a few of them per week are public in our web. Also every new release includes multiple installers. If you miss some specific version/installer, please reach us at support@codicesoftware.com. Anyway, we normally recommend frequently update the Plastic version. Regarding the release notes, could you let us know the thread and the details? For instance, the instellers for the installers for not avilable in our web anymore but you can still check the release notes: https://www.plasticscm.com/download/releasenotes/ Regards, Carlos.
  19. Hi, I'm afriad this feature is not supported. What you can do at the moment is mark the task as opened when you craete the Plastic branch (but not change the user asignee in JIRA). You feedback is very welcome: https://plasticscm.uservoice.com Regards, Carlos.
  20. Hi, If you also upgrade the server version, this error shouldn't appear. The specific release number is: Could you confirm that the issue is not happening after the uprgade? Sorry for the inconveniences, Carlos.
  21. Hi, Please check the following link where we explain how to reset the Plastic server admin from the webadmin: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/administration/plastic-scm-version-control-administrator-guide#Chapter6:webadmin-Serverconfigurationandadministration Regards, Carlos.
  22. Thanks for the update. If you run a gitsync involving a big repo via console, you should get more feedback (also checkin the clien log). Good to know you are up and running and the following syncs are much faster Regards, Carlos.
  23. HI, Could you attach the Plastic client log? This way, we should get more information fo the problem. Regards, Carlos.
  24. Hi, You can reach us to support@codicesoftware.com if you need a specific old version. We just keep a few of them. There shouldn't be any problem for your developers always install the latest available version. They are both compatible and these way you are not missing any new feature. Regards, Carlos.
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