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Everything posted by calbzam

  1. Thanks for the update. Yes, you can directly run GitSync with a cloud repo. I can see you have opened a new thread regarding this workflow so let's monitor the operation there. Regards, Carlos.
  2. Hi, It seems that some dlls are missing. Do you have any external tool/antivirus that may be removing them? Reinstalling doesn't help? If the issue persists, you can reach us at support@codicesoftware.com and we can arrange a meeting to debug it. Regards, Carlos.
  3. Hi, If you want to change the encryption key, you need to remove all your cloud repos first to start from scratch. If you just want to be requested to re-enter the encryption key again, you can remove the following files and restart the GUI:* Client: /Users/xxx/.plastic4/cryptedservers.conf * Server: /Applications/PlasticSCMServer.app/Contents/MonoBundle/cryptedservers.conf Regards, Carlos.
  4. Hi, If you create a new workspace and run a clean update, does the issue persist? In that case, please reach us at support@codicesoftware.com including the logs. We may need to arrange a meeting with you. You shouldn't be locked in a merge even if a file was removed. Regards, Carlos.
  5. calbzam

    JIRA plug

    Hi, Just to clarify the problem is when trying to configure the JIRA plug in the webadmin panel, right? Are you following the instructions from: ? I don't see any reference to the token API. Where are you reading it? PD: The following link explains how you can configure JIRA as issue tracker for Plastic but if I properly understand this is not what you actually want. You are just configuring the JIRA plug for devops purposes. https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/extensions/plastic-scm-version-control-task-and-issue-tracking-guide#JIRAintegration Regards, Carlos.
  6. You are right, the stash (we call it shelve in Plastic) is not still supported for cloud repos (only local ones). Let me understand a little bit more your workflow: - If you are creating task branches, I guess you are developers (I mean working with source code, not binary assets that then you won't be able to merge). As a developer using Plastic Cloud edition, you can also work distributed, hosting your local repos and then pushing/pulling to the cloud. I guess at the moment you are working fully centralized (your workspaces directly pointing to a cloud repo). - When you create a shelve, you are creating a temporary changeset and when you apply the shelve, you are actually running a merge of this temporary changeset with your workspace content (resolving the conflicts if necessary). That's why following this workflow you won't end up in an issue like the explained in the article: https://plasticscmsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014970894-The-parent-revision-of-the-item-is-inconsistent-with-the-loaded-one-in-changeset-cs-xxx Regards, Carlos.
  7. Hi, The problem when switching your workspace with local changes is you can end up facing problems like the following: https://plasticscmsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014970894-The-parent-revision-of-the-item-is-inconsistent-with-the-loaded-one-in-changeset-cs-xxx That's the reason why we don't allow by default to switch your workspace with local changes (although it's up to you to enable it). Not sure if you are aware of the "shelve" feature (also the "checkin changes to a different branch"). They can also be useful in scenarios like yours. Regards, Carlos.
  8. Hi, Regarding "readonly.conf": Contains the paths of the controlled items to keep as "readonly" after an update. This config file is located in the plastic4 directory (under $HOME/.plastic4 on Linux/Mac systems or C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\plastic4 on Windows), or in the plastic-global-config repository so that all clients have the same settings by default. You need to be sure that the "readonly.conf" file is already in the workspace before running the initial update (or distribute it via "plastic-global-config"). This way, the configured files will be read-only after the initial update. It's very important to train the users working with binaries so they checkout the file always before locally modify it. We are open to arranging a free training session with your team. Regards, Carlos.
  9. Hi, You are right, the locks are only useful if you are working o a single branch (normally working with binary/not mergeable files). This "single branch + locks" workflow fits good for the artists or developers working with assets (not mergeable files). By the way, are you using Gluon? https://www.plasticscm.com/gluon If you are going to create branches, it normally means that at some point you will need to run a merge so you are editing text/mergeable files. We generally recommend removing from the lock rules the files that are going to be modified in the task branches and finally at some point merged. I guess your scenario is very specific because you are creating branches where you also modify the binary files and you don't plan to merge later? 1) If this "fork" doesn't need to be integrated later, you can push this branch to a different repo where you can perform your changes. This way, the locks from the original repo won't be affecting you. 2) If this "fork" needs to be integrated at some point, you will need to perform the changes on a task branch. And we recommend you to remove the files from the "lock.conf" rules. If you are modifying the files on a task branch, it normally means they are mergeable, so locks shouldn't be necessary. PD: In the following blog post you can also read some improvements we have on our road map regarding the locks and task branches (your feedback is welcome!): http://blog.plasticscm.com/2018/04/2018-backlog.html Regards, Carlos.
  10. There was a temporary problem that should be already fixed. Sorry for the inconveniences, Carlos.
  11. Hi, 1. Could you attach the Plastic client log? C:\Users\carlos\AppData\Local\plastic4\logs\plastic.debug.log.txt 2. Could you run the following query in your browser? https://my.jira.com/rest/api/2/issues/{issueId}/transitions - Our code is processing the definition of the transition following the next steps from 1 to 3: [{ // transition definition "to": { // status definition "name": "...", // 2. status.name == "In Progress" "statusCategory": { "key": "..." // 1. status.statusCategory.key == "indeterminate" "name": "..." // 3. status.statusCategory.name == "In Progress" } } }] Regards, Carlos.
  12. Hi, We need to review the Plastic client after you run the GitSync to check if there is any error there: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\logs\plastic.debug.log.txt Regards, Carlos
  13. Hi, Thanks for the update. Yes, you can run the migration from SQLite to Jet from the webadmin panel. We have some information the following link: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/administration/plastic-scm-version-control-administrator-guide#ConfigurePlasticSCMwithJet Please let us know if you still face any issue. Regards, Carlos.
  14. Hi, If you configure "mergetool" to be run for a specific file type (eg: .cs), it will be run (and not the semantic merge tool). Currently, the semantic merge tool is the default for generic text files. Regards, Carlos.
  15. Hi, Could you reach us at support@codicesoftware.com with the "plastic.debug.log.txt" in order to review the error details? Regards, Carlos.
  16. Hi, The thing is when you are undoing changes, Plastic internally promotes them first to checkout and that's why the trigger is invoked. We should protect this scenario to avoid the "before-clientcheckout" triggers to be run in this scenario. Sorry for the inconveniences, Carlos.
  17. Hi Andy, Please check the following blog post and let us know if you still have any question: http://blog.plasticscm.com/2019/03/connect-unity-cloud-build-to-plastic-cloud.html Regards, Carlos.
  18. - If you try to start the "Plastic Server 6" service, is it able to run? Could you attach your "plastic.debug.log.txt"? - According to the "cm licenseinfo" command, your trial license is expired. So it seems your server is running but still with the expired license. - Do you have a "plasticd.token.lic" in the "server" folder? In that case, please remove it. - Are you evaluating Plastic SCM? In that case, you can reach us at support@codicesoftware.com and we can arrange a meeting to debug the issue. Regards, Carlos.
  19. This is the same behavior using Xlinks or not. The "cloaked.conf" rules are applied only if the file is already in the workspace before you run the update. If the "cloaked.conf" file is downloaded during the update from the repo, I'm afraid the rules won't be applied during the initial update (but they will do the next time because the "cloaked.conf" will be already in your workspace). Regards, Carlos.
  20. Why do you say the "Plasticd.exe" is not working? I can see the server is up and running but the license still appears as expired, right? Is this correct? Please review that you don't have a license token: "plasticd.token.lic" still pointing to the old license. Please also run the "cm licenseinfo" command and attach the output. Regards, Carlos.
  21. Hi, If I properly understand, C is the parent repo that has Xlinks pointing to repos A and B. I'm able to create some cloaking rules in the C repo applied to the Xlinked content. I can do it via GUI --> right-click --> Add to the cloaked list. Then, If I create a new clean workspace pointing to C and before updating, I copy my previous "cloaked.conf", these files are not downloaded to the workspace. Remember that these cloaking rules apply to Xlinked content. In summary, I'm not able to reproduce your issue. Are you using the Windows Plastic GUI? Could you attach some screenshots and your "cloaked.conf"? Regards, Carlos.
  22. Hi, "plasticd.exe" is the Plastic server and by default, the Plastic server is run via Windows service. Why are you trying to manually run this .exe? Could you let us know the specific steps you are following (commands, screenshots and error messages would be helpful). Regards, Carlos.
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