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Everything posted by psantosl

  1. Issue tracker has been one of our secondary projects for a long time... never know if we'll ever make it public though
  2. Hey @solaris, Not really so far. I mean, we didn't give that high prio to dark theme, but obviously we should. @danipen what you think of this? Could we fix it?
  3. Hi David, Thanks for reaching out, and sorry for the delay, but we were discussing the solution internally. As far as I know, there shouldn't be a problem to connect your Plastic with a Mantis. Remember that the "integration" happens on the client side, so there will be the same integration whether you are on Cloud or on-premise. Built-in issue tracker: believe it or not, we have our own internal issue tracker !! You can see some screenshots here: And here a more recent one just taken: But yes, it is not meant to be a production issue tracker. We've dreamed about making it public, but... well, too much work. We struggle with Plastic already, so I don't think we'll be adding TTS (that's its name) soon to the pack. (Now who knows if I'll be eating my own words soon :P) Integrating with others is of course an option. We do integrate with a number of them: Jira, Bugzilla, and a few others. And... you can develop your own integration in almost no time: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/extensions/plastic-scm-version-control-task-and-issue-tracking-guide#WritingPlasticSCMcustomextensions Hope it helps!
  4. Thanks Rubén, I just wanted to follow up with this: In the last versions since you wrote this we released a few command line improvements trying to make the whole thing better. Small tweaks here and there but the goal is to really make a big change in a few weeks. Check for instance. We reviewed some on the CLI docu. Still work to do. The plan is to continue expanding the REST API. We are in the middle of a few things right now that keep us certainly busy, but we are really committed to make all these happen. Some of the big things we are on: Tons of improvements to the macOS GUI. We always get heads up from users telling it is not on par with Windows. Multi-process server for Enterprise setups. This is a big effort and we need it to circumvent some issues in Mono and as the basis for the next Plastic Cloud we are working on. (I could talk about this for hours but I will just keep it short). New Unity Plugin. Unity teams are key for us. We are working on a big new plugin (where, small and easy, but big effort).
  5. Why you didn't just click on Undo in pending changes? Didn't it work? Can you tell us how you were able to switch branches after a merge? An scenario will help us fix the issue.
  6. Hi, Yes, this is pretty normal: you have pending changes in your workspace, and one of the pending changes is a merge link. If you want to undo everything, undo the changes. Warning: you will loose the changes! It is not a good idea to switch to different branches with pending changes, that's why it is forbidden by default (you had to change a setting to allow you to switch branch with changes, it is only meant for really advanced users, because the usual is to run into trouble). So, what do you want to do with these changes?
  7. Hi Rubén, Thanks for reaching out and for your heads up on the inconsistency of the command line. We are aware of the weak points in cm. The main reason is that we (and I'm the one to blame, so I should say "I") didn't really *design* the command line but mostly just added stuff as needed. In the last few years we started being really focused on really designing the whole thing, really thinking on the solution as a whole, you know, doing real product design. We now try to come up with consistent behaviors across the entire system. But the command line is still work in progress. So, any feedback on what you expect to make it better for automation will not only be welcome but it will serve as a starting point for an improvement. And since we are doing more than 1 release a week, you can expect updates coming soon. Now, onto the specifics: you can check our "CmdRunner" for more info on automation. https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/cmdrunner/plastic-scm-version-control-cmdrunner-guide. While the cm can really be improved, it doesn't mean it is not fully tested. In fact, command line automation is a cornerstone of our testing system. Every single task that enters into a release goes through hours of unit testing, command line testing, and GUI testing. Command line testing (or smoke tests as we call them internally) are tests based on PNUnit (our extension to NUnit) that automate Plastic by running cm commands on Windows, Linux and MacOS. 800+ tests overall running on several combinations. And CmdRunner is what we use to run all these commands on a daily basis. It doesn't mean is perfect, but it is really what we use daily to write more tests (although I must say in the last years we focused more on NUnits than CmdRunner tests). Finally, the REST API comes as a complement of CmdRunner. The latter is C# based, and since we can't expect everyone to use the same framework we use, we came up with a REST API. The other alternative would be some sort of universal C library so that any language could wrap it (anything else wouldn't be really doable since C is still the most portable and linkable option). But since we don't write C but C# 99% of the times, the C path wasn't good. But invoking REST is something any language can do, so we decided to go for a REST API, even to invoke local actions like an update or a checkin. So, if there's anything specific you miss in the REST API, please let us know and we'll add it. Thanks! pablo
  8. The only thing that I'd point is that keeping things simple normally helps a lot. So even if you can reach 10-level nesting, I strongly doubt it is really worth. Remember we provide FREE 1-h sessions with product experts just in case you need to go through some details ? https://www.plasticscm.com/download/freetraining/
  9. We had a short meeting with Mikael today. * We need to improve integration with BlueOcean. We'll do. * We are going to create an alternative for the "create workspaces under a fixed directory" to support shared libraries in Jenkins
  10. Hi Michael, Let me know if this helps: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/cli/plastic-scm-version-control-cli-guide.shtml#Cleanupallchangesintheworkspace
  11. Hi Mikael, We are currently working on reviewing all our major CI integrations, and Jenkins is a top priority. We would like to dig deeper on the workflow you propose. Would you mind reaching me at pablo at codicesoftware.com to schedule an online session as soon as possible and discuss this topic? Thanks for your support! pablo
  12. Hey, You set "merge options" but the message you are getting is about update. Do the following: * Go to pending changes. * Select your changed files and right click "apply local change" (this will mark the files as checked out). * Then go to the items view and click "update" => you should be allowed to move forward. Plastic is doing all this to prevent weird scenarios to happen while working on the same branch.
  13. This is the closest... and it is open for contribution https://github.com/powercode/PSPlastic
  14. Hey guys, Thanks for the extra info. @wnicholls nested tabs is what we are trying to get rid of. Not anymore on our Linux/OS X UIs. Not in 6.0 now that the main tab is not there either. @Misieq not that this is what I stick to, but other version control UIs (quite widely adopted) don't use tabs either. I find them fine on browsers but... are they the same thing. Happy to discuss this with you guys, and open to make changes :-)
  15. Hi applenaut, Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, we didn't get this feedback from other users, which seem to be happy with the changes in 6.0, so I'm afraid we won't be able to customize the behavior this time. Our goal was initially to move into something like what we have in Mac and Linux, with a switcher and workspace windows. We wanted to associate the window to a workspace, not many, and isolate the repos and workspaces view, which seem like they don't really match inside a given workspace. For instance, typically Plastic on Windows can't start up if you don't have a workspace (in fact, it forces you to create one) while Linux/OS X let you start and then decide if you want to browse repos, create more, go to workspaces, etc. But, then we decided something more compact would do better on Windows. And that's how the "breadcrumb like" style showed up. It also allowed us to gain more vertical space, removing one row completely, which is always a good thing. So, I'm sorry to hear you did not like the changes, and we will listen carefully about what others have to say about this, and we'll react accordingly. Thanks! pablo
  16. You can stop using Macs... :-P No, seriously, we don't have such a setting at this point... So, yes, each time a file is touched on Mac, the permission will be set. But, after that, it shouldn't be modified anymore... unless explicitly changed on Mac. Makes sense?
  17. Before reinstalling, just send us your client.conf so we can find out what is wrong.
  18. Hi! Yes, it is possible in two ways: 1) If you configure your profile as "automatic" (instead of "on demand") the repos of this server will be listed. 2) You can create a file plastic.servers in your plastic config directory, with the names of the servers to contact. I think I didn't use this second option in ... 10 years at least so it was like archaeology answering this :-) Cheers, pablo
  19. Jet will be available for everyone, including free licenses. That's the plan. Of course, big enterprise setups will benefit from the Enterprise Edition engine improvements, different access patterns and so on. But yes, we would like to include Jet as the default replacing SQLite, indeed.
  20. Hi Sugoi, Thanks for reaching us! We are very excited about Jet, it is really much faster than anything else. Regarding the backup: * At this point you need to stop the server to do a backup. We have been testing it with rdiff on Linux, doing incremental backups, and it works great. We will publish official docu soon. @manu has more info about it since he is doing the tests. * Our goal is to have a command to put the server in "readonly mode", so you can do the backup without stopping. While the backup is in progress (incremental should be fast) the server will continue allowing pulls, and updates, and browsing and diffing, but will deny pushes, creating branches, checkins... Normally this will be good for most of the setups. * You can use a secondary server and replicate to it to have a backup too => this can be an option for 24x7 servers. * Finally, we have studied the option to develop our own full always-on backup: but then we can't rely on any existing backup tech, we have to create our own dumps while the server is running. Not super hard, but we didn't start the effort yet, although some of our big customer (+1000 developers) are already interested on it. Most of them are pointing to option 3 as a valid solution. Cheers, pablo
  21. After 30 seconds of inactivity, network connections are closed. If your bat never finishes, the checkin will wait forever. Chances are your trigger is not finishing as expected. If you want the trigger to be async, then spawn a new process from it and make the trigger return as soon as possible.
  22. Hi, Yes, you've to be careful with client paths on multi-platform setups. This has always worked this way. There's a good option which would be supporting some sort of multi-path thing. The alternative is also creating a script (script on linux, .bat on windows) located in a path partial to the cm.exe location, with different actions depending on the operating system. This one is actually a good example of a use case that we should document. Manu, please, change the "bug" by "improve docu", and let's get it blogged.
  23. If you can't wait, send an email to support and we will send you the current 4.1. The official one will be out as soon as the new website gets ready.
  24. I'll try to have it as soon as possible, what about 1 month or so? Can you describe in detail the reasons why you need it? It will clearly help us when "selling" why exclusive checkout on a DVCS is a differentiation!
  25. We need exclusive checkout for several uses right now. You could "easily" simulate it using before-checkout triggers, having some sort of global list, but it takes some time to implement. This is exactly what we want to do. My goal is to have it up and running before the end of January, but we've really a lot of things on the table right now. My plan is to modify a little bit the "checkout" operation so that "exclusive checkout" continues making sense even on distributed environments... so, have some sort of "central server" to control "exclusive checkouts"... It will be optional so teams can choose whether they want to work on "checkout mode" or not.
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